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Crafting in Roblox Fisch takes a lot of effort, not just because you need to find the right materials, but because it isn’t unlocked right away. You have to go out of your way to first unlock the Ancient Isles Vault, using Fragments found all over Fisch, and only then can you start crafting fishing rods. It’s a bit tedious, but definitely worth the effort because you can craft some pretty good fishing rods!
Where to Find Solar Fragment in Roblox Fisch

In order to start crafting fishing rods, you need access to the magic anvil behind the Ancient Isles Vault. But before you do that, you need to find a series of Fragments in Fisch. Luckily, all you really need to find them all is the Glider, which you can pick up on Roslit Bay.
You’ll find the Glider by heading further into the island from the docks. When you see the Angler NPC by a small campfire, you’re in the right place. The Glider is on the log near him, for $900. Afterwards, jump into your boat and head to the Ancient Isles at these coordinates: 5590, 148, 590.
Now, once you’re on Ancient Isles, head to the very top of the mountain there. You can use the ledges to climb to the peak. Once there, you’ll find the Solar Fragment on the ground, but only when there’s an in-game solar eclipse, which you can spawn with a Solar Eclipse Totem.
Where to Find Earth Fragment in Roblox Fisch

The Solar Eclipse Totem is mighty expensive, costing $250,000, but if you’re lucky like me, someone spawned one. You can find it near the Solar Fragment at these coordinates: 5932, 281, 880. It’s in a cave, hidden behind some leaves.
But you know what else you’ll find there? The Earth Fragment! That’s two Fragments down and two more to go in Fisch. You’ll also find the Phoenix Rod, for $40,000. Luckily, none of the other fragments in Fisch need any special weather or events.
Where to Find Deep Sea Fragment in Roblox Fisch

You probably saw the waterfall on your way up to the Solar Fragment, right? Well, if you follow that waterfall, all the way to the end, then dive straight down, you’ll find the Deep Sea Fragment.
It doesn’t require anything fancy like the Basic Diving Gear. You do have to swim to the bottom, where the sand meets the stone though. It’s nestled between two rocks.
Where to Find Ancient Fragment in Roblox Fisch

Onto the Ancient Fragment, the last and final one. It might take you the longest to get the Ancient Fragment because it isn’t found in one location like the Earth, Solar, and Deep Sea Fragments.
Instead, you find a quiet spot at the Ancient Isles and start fishing. With any luck, you’ll not only pull up some good fish, but one holding the Ancient Fragment as well.
How to Unlock Fishing Rod Crafting in Roblox Fisch

Once you have all four Fragments in Roblox Fisch, go back to the waterfall you found the Deep Sea Fragment at. At the very end of the waterfall, where it meets the ocean, squint and you’ll see there’s a hidden cave behind it! Inside is a hole, which you can climb down using the nearby rope.
Now you’ll see four glowing totems of different color, each one coorospeonding to its matching Fragment. For example, the glowing orange one is for the Solar Fragment.
While holding the Fragment and stepping on the pressure plate, place the Fragments into each totem and the door to Ancient Archives will open. More importantly, you’ll gain access to the magical anvil and, in turn, the ability to craft fishing rods in Roblox Fisch!