While leveling up doesn’t offer any significant bonuses, like stats and whatnot, it has its own benefits in Roblox Fisch. For example, many of the boats in Fisch are locked behind your player level. Even the act of buying a ship from the Shipwright has a level requirement. Some NPCs won’t give you the time of day until, either. Naturally, if you want to see everything Roblox Fisch has to offer, you need to level up, preferably as quickly as possible using one of, if not the best XP farms in the game.
Roblox Fisch: How to Level Up Quickly Catching Captains Goldfish

Today we’re fishing for the elusive Captain’s Goldish in Roblox Fisch, and will be the basis for the best XP farm. While something like the Colossal Squid offers a little more, the Captain’s Goldfish is much easier to catch, nor does it rely on specific weather. As long as it’s summer and it’s daytime, you’re good to go.
But before we start hunting for Captain’s Goldfish in Roblox Fisch, you need a couple things to make this worth while:
- The Clever or Insight enchant
- Truffle Worms
- A fishing rod with a high Luck stat
Starting with the Clever and Insight enchantments, you’ll need a couple Enchant Relics. Now, the problem is you’ll need as many as it takes to get the enchantment, since it’s random. The Clever enchant grants double experience for every catch; the Insight enchant is 1.5x experience.

Ideally, you should be enchanting a fishing rod with a high Luck stat. However, if you want to stack even more experience on top, use the Wisdom Rod. Every five successful catches in a row, the next catch will grant 70 to 100% more experience. It also has 20% Luck, which is decent enough, and is one of the cheapest rods to craft in Fisch.
If you don’t want to craft the Wisdom Rod, no biggie. There are plenty of other great fishing rods to try out, like the Haunted Rod, Lucky Rod, Fortune Rod, and the Rod of the Depths. Anything with a high Luck stat will do — the higher, the better.

Truffle Worms are found in Coral and Volcanic Geodes, more often in the latter. If you have the Magma Rod, you can fish for Volcanic Geodes in the volcano on Roslit Bay. Sometimes the Traveling Merchant has them for sale too, but it isn’t guaranteed.
You got all that? If so, then you’re ready! Hop into a boat and head for the Forsaken Shores—the home of the Captain’s Goldfish. You may want to bring a boat that’s agile. Rowing for the Forsaken Shores has a lot of obstacles that randomly appear, possibly causing you to drown.
When you get to the Forsaken Shores, follow the path towards the mountain on the left, to a little pond. If you see an NPC fishing in the pond, you’re in the right place. Captain’s Goldish like freshwater in Roblox Fisch, which the pond is. Attach some Truffle Worms, cast your line, and pray to the fish gods!