The Huge Doodle Cat is the Huge version of the standard Doodle Cat in Roblox: Pet Simulator X and is an extremely rare Exclusive Pet equipped with the Unique Enchantment Best Friend. This Enchantment enables the Huge Doodle Cat to always be stronger than its owner’s best Pets. This Huge-type Pet also comes with a Random Enchantment, such as Agility II, which bolsters the creature’s Speed stat by 35%. Whether Pet owners are completist collectors or players who want the biggest and best animal companion, the Huge Doodle Cat is a must-have and will doubtless cause other owners to be starstruck with awe.
Unlocking the Huge Doodle Cat in Roblox Pet Simulator X
The Huge Doodle Cat in Roblox Pet Simulator X can only be obtained through Tropical Doodle Eggs, which cost a base investment of 85,000 Currencies for a single hatch. This Egg has a 50% of hatching a Doodle Fish, 47% for a Doodle Flamingo, 2.3% for a Doodle Turtle, 0.32% for a Doodle Shark, and “???” for a Huge Doodle Cat.
Needless to say, acquiring the Huge Doodle Cat might take a tremendous amount of Currencies before it is acquired through a Tropical Doodle Egg in Roblox Pet Simulator X. If Pet owners have the funds to make dozens of gacha pulls with this Egg, then equipping Luck Boosts and owning the Lucky Gamepass will doubtless be helpful in potentially getting the Huge Doodle Cat. As an Exclusive Pet, there is a limited number of this Huge-type Pet; accordingly, its rarity is much higher than most creatures players will find in the game.
Roblox content creator DigitoSIM has made a YouTube video showcasing the process of how difficult it is to hatch a Huge Doodle Cat in Pet Simulator X. Even after farming and spending millions of Currencies, they were unable to acquire this ultra-rare Exclusive Pet. Fortunately, they were able to demonstrate an alternate method of obtaining this Pet via Trading. Nevertheless, it is uncertain if other players will be willing to part with their Huge Doodle Cat, even for an incredible trade offer. However, it would never hurt to try to see if an individual has something that a Huge Doodle Cat owner would see worthwhile for a trade.
Roblox is available on PC, Android, Xbox One, and iOS.
Source: YouTube/DigitoSIM