In its current state, Overwatch ‘s Competitive Mode is best described as a gamble. You go into games not knowing what role you will play, what comp your team will end up with or even if you have a legitimate chance of winning. However, all of this could be changing soon.
Rumors and leaks suggest that Stage 4 of the Overwatch League will enforce 2-2-2 compositions for all teams. That means two tanks, two healers and two DPS must always be chosen. Whilst not officially confirmed it’s expected that this will be introduced into Competitive ladder too. After all, it’s known that Blizzard wants their professional league to look more like the kind of games you or I might play on ranked.
Recently retired Overwatch League main tank player Fissure confirmed 2-2-2 for Stage 4 on his Twitch channel. Translated from Korean, Fissure had the following short and sweet statement regarding role queue:
I’m retired now so I’ll say it. Next stage, 4, 2-2-2 lock is confirmed.

Last night’s wild team composition switch ups seem to suggest this is true. Dallas Fuel, an Overwatch League team that has practically only played 3-3 GOATs all season rolled out with several DPS heavy compositions against a strong New York Excelsior. There was also a return for Taimou who, previous to that game, had not featured for Dallas all season. Taimou is a pure DPS player who specializes in ranged hitscan such as Widowmaker and McCree. His return could have something to do with Dallas wanting to practice 2-2-2 compositions going into Stage 4.
The benefits to role lock are obvious. Searching for Overwatch Competitive matches after selecting your preferred role should help lower the game’s toxicity problem. Search times may increase for some but I believe that’s a worthwhile sacrifice if it means having a team where people aren’t forced into unfavourable roles.
It should improve Overwatch League’s watchability too with GOATs being considered by many as boring to spectate. Fan favourite DPS players like Pine and Taimou will also be allowed to get significant playtime in a meta that should favour them. It’s difficult to predict exactly what this means but early signs seem to suggest its a positive change for most involved.