The High External Wooden Wall item, originally intended to create compounds and make your base safer in Rust, has been actively used by players in PvP for a very long time. However, this will change very soon, and players will no longer use this item in PvP. Facepunch Studios has made a highly controversial change and nerfed this item. This change has annoyed a lot of players, but at the same time, it has made many people glad. Frankly, I’m on the latter side of the spectrum.
Rust PvP Chads Must Now Use Wooden Barricade Cover
Alistair McFarlane, the producer of Rust, posted on X (formerly known as Twitter) on April 23rd that High External Walls can no longer be placed while moving and you must wait 3 seconds to place them. In addition, we will finally be able to demolish High External Walls within 10 minutes of placement. It was a real pain to destroy these walls and place new ones when you placed them incorrectly. These changes are already active in Rust‘s Staging Branch.
Since nobody is going to wait 3 seconds without moving to put High External Walls in the middle of PvP, it is time for the underrated Wooden Barricade Cover to shine. Crafting High External Walls for roaming is absolutely no problem for large zergs, but in small groups of 2-4 people, it can be tough to continuously produce High External Walls due to its cost.
I also find it extremely frustrating when the enemy I’m fighting suddenly puts up a huge wall in front of themselves, which goes against the realism of the game. I’m glad that Facepunch Studios has made such a change so that we can now see more realistic and fair battles.
Finally, Alistair McFarlane also stated that they are in the exploration phase about how they can improve the Wooden Barricade Cover item. So in addition to its current form, this item will also receive a buff.