Save the Children, the world’s leading independent organization for children, revealed more information for its mobile, PC and Mac title, Sustainaville. Developed by Good Games Productions and currently in closed beta, all proceeds from in-game purchases are directly donated to the international children’s charity. Players can apply for the closed beta at the Sustainaville website.
Save the Children works to inspire breakthroughs in the way the world population’s needs are perceived. Players will gain a true appreciation for the challenges that aid workers face; just like in real life, getting some help from others can mean the difference between success and failure when establishing a sustainable community. Sustainaville gives you the chance to build sustainable communities in four regions: Arid, Island, Savannah, and Tropical.
The Arid region represents certain parts of Central Asia, and is exceptionally dry; water shortages are a serious concern, and growing crops on this dry land is a challenge. Earthquakes are also a frequent danger. Unfortunately, many communities in this region are isolated, making recovery from disasters much harder.

The Island region represents certain parts of the Pacific Islands; education is the top challenge. Many schools don’t even have teaching materials in local languages, making it difficult or impossible for students to learn. This region also suffers from cyclones, making early warning systems and healthcare essential; trained professionals and well-stocked facilities are a necessity.

The Savannah region represents certain parts of Africa; when the rain falls it can be heavy enough to cause floods and emergency situations. Though heavy rainfall brings lots of water, pools stagnate and become undrinkable very quickly. Many communities in this region are too isolated to reach dedicated healthcare facilities, making floods and disease even more deadly.

The Tropical region represents certain parts of South-East Asia, and is prone to weather-related disasters. Creating reliable and well-constructed disaster facilities is a crucial part of successfully completing levels in this region. Because of this region’s humidity, disease can be problematic, compounded by the lack of trained medical professionals. Fortunately, fresh water is much more accessible here than it is in most regions.

Each region clearly presents unique challenges, and players will engage in various activities as aid workers who perform everything from providing food and healthcare to families in need, to ensuring water supplies. With its unique “donation platform,” players can easily donate money directly to Save the Children and, in return, receive in-game currency and rewards.
Sustainaville is in closed beta now on PC, Mac, Android and iOS.