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Want to know about fishing in Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life? The long-awaited Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life has finally been released, which means you can visit Forgotten Valley and enjoy a quiet farm life once again. Of course, your main activities will be planting crops and caring for animals, but you will also be able to interact with other villagers and even fish. For this, you will first need to find a fishing rod. So, read on to find out how to get the fishing rod in Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life.
How To Get a Fishing Rod

Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life has many features and activities, but it’s still a farming sim. Therefore, before you go fishing, you have to earn some Coins. You can spend time in the mine, milk cows, or collect various plants to do this.
After that, you need to wait for the traveling merchant. Van comes to the valley twice a season. However, it is worth noting that the Fishing Rod costs 500 Coins, which is quite a large amount at the beginning of the game. But by selling milk and other items you have found before, you will earn the required amount of Coins.
How To Fish in Story of Seasons a Wonderful Life
Luckily, all you have to do to fish in Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life is pick up a rod and find a body of water. When you get close to the water, press the Fishing button. Your character will cast a line, and you only have to wait. When a fish bites, an exclamation mark will appear. Then, you must press the same Fishing button to catch a fish. However, the fish will swim away if you press this button too soon or too late.
Depending on the water body, you can catch different types of fish like Scad, Masu, Wakasagi, etc. What’s more, your caught fish can come in three sizes (little, large, and huge). And the bigger the fish, the more expensive you can sell it. Speaking of using, you can also gift fish to certain villagers or use it for cooking dishes like Sashimi or Carpaccio in Story of Seasons a Wonderful Life.
That’s all you need to know about fishing in Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life. It is a great way to earn coins and get food ingredients, so follow our tips to start fishing as soon as possible.
Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life is available for PC, Nintendo Switch,