Title: Batman: The Enemy Within – Episode 3: Fractured Mask Available On: PC, Xbox One, PlayStation…
The Batman may be on its own. That’s the implication given by Matt Reeves, according to…
Since taking over the helm as director from Ben Affleck – who will also star…
Adam West, best known for his role as television’s Batman back in the early days of…
Holy cinematic universe, Batman! Warner Bros and DC seem to be ramping up production with…
According to an aggravated employee, WB Montreal has been working on a sequel to Batman…
The rollercoaster ride that’s come to be know as the Solo Batman movie is still…
The search for the new director for the upcoming solo Batman movie continues to hit…
Following the abrupt announcement that Ben Affleck would be stepping down as directing, Warner Bros.…
Ben Affleck announced earlier this week that he had made the decision to step down…
Everyone knows Bruce Wayne is rich, but apparently, even he needs to pawn some of…
Adding to list of turmoil amongst the DC movie universe, Ben Affleck revealed in an…
Telltale games tends to receive a fair amount of criticism in the gaming community for…
Title: Batman: The Telltale Series – Episode 5: City of Light Version Tested: PC Available On:…
On Tuesday, December 15th Telltale’s Batman Episode 5: City of Light will release on PC,…
Latest stories
More +It is hard to believe that it was just over 20 years ago that Batman…
The Comic-Con Hall of Fame boasts a huge list of iconic names from the comic…
You may be seeing future Batman Robert Pattinson in a few films in the next…
For a few months now, the rumor surrounding Matt Reeves’ The Batman was that the…
Rocksteady Games, the developers behind the mainline Batman Arkham trilogy, has announced that they will…
A few weeks ago, there were multiple conflicting reports on Matt Reeves’ The Batman. Now,…
Conflicting reports have come in surrounding Matt Reeves’ The Batman film. Variety is reporting that…
Gotham is coming to an end and Fox has released a new trailer to mark…
Matt Reeves, the director of The Batman, has divulged some details on the upcoming project…
According to The Hollywood Reporter, Matt Reeves’ The Batman could begin filming in November 2019.…