Gotta catch ’em all in the act
Meeting their destiny on the path they took to avoid it
Interestingly, losing or winning might benefit Nintendo in the long run
The ex-designer also had to endure being called a “plagiarist” online
It’s just a matter of perspective, maybe?
How bad will this lawsuit get?
Pengullet! I choose you!
Coins make the Pal Sphere go round
Wow, such rare, much elusive
Gotta catch’em both
We’re coming for you, Saya
Latest stories
More +Interestingly, losing or winning might benefit Nintendo in the long run
The ex-designer also had to endure being called a “plagiarist” online
It’s just a matter of perspective, maybe?
How bad will this lawsuit get?
By Nat Collazo
Pengullet! I choose you!
Coins make the Pal Sphere go round
Wow, such rare, much elusive
Gotta catch’em both