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The new Teal Mask DLC for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet adds a number of new Pokemon, as well as bringing back some that were previously unavailable in Gen 9. The Pokemon series now has more than 1,000 different creatures for players to catch, trade, and battle, but the National Dex hasn’t been present since Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, so it’s great to see more older-generation Pokemon that haven’t been available in some time brought back. Here we’ll be breaking down the full Teal Mask Pokedex, highlighting all new Pokemon in the Kitakami Dex.
New Teal Mask Pokemon in the Kitakami Pokedex

The Teal Mask introduces at least seven new Pokemon to the roster in Generation 9, bringing the total number of Pokemon necessary to complete the National Dex in Pokemon Home up to 1,016. These are the names of the confirmed seven along with their types.
- Okidogi (Poison/Fighting)
- Munkidori (Poison/Psychic)
- Fezandipiti (Poison/Fairy)
- Dipplin (Grass/Dragon)
- Poltchageist and Sinistcha (Grass/Ghost)
- Ogerpon (Grass)
Returning Pokemon in the Kitakami Pokedex

The Teal Mask DLC brings back more than a hundred Pokemon from older generations that were previously unavailable in Scarlet and Violet. Below, every confirmed returning Pokemon thus far is organized by generation. Pokemon with evolutions that span across generations are grouped together in the earliest presented generation for the sake of simplification.
Generation 1:
- Ekans and Arbok
- Cleffa, Clefairy, Clefable
- Vulpix and Ninetales
- Sandshrew and Sandslash
- Geodude, Graveler, Goldem
- Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Poliwrath, Politoed
- Koffing and Weezing
- Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Victreebel
- Munchlax and Snorlax
Generation 2:
- Sentret and Furret
- Hoothoot, Noctowl
- Spinarak and Ariados
- Aipom and Ambipom (Exclusive to Pokemon Violet)
- Yanma and Yanmega
- Gligar and Gliscor (Exclusive to Pokemon Scarlet)
- Swinub, Piloswine, Mamoswine
- Slugma and Magcargo
Generation 3:
- Poochyena and Mightyena
- Lotad, Lombre, Ludicolo
- Seedot, Nuzleaf, Shiftry
- Corphish and Crawdaunt
- Feebas and Milotic
- Duskull, Dusclops, Dusknoir
- Nosepass and Probopass
- Chingling and Chimecho
Generation 5:
- Timburr, Gurdurr, Conkeldurr
- Sewaddle, Swadloon, Leavanny
- Ducklett and Swanna
- Litwick, Lampent, Chandelure
- Mienfoo and Mienshao
- Vullaby and Mandibuzz
Generation 6:
- Phantump and Trevenant
- Carbink
Generation 7:
- Grubbin, Charjabug, Vikavolt
- Cutiefly and Ribombee
- Jangmo-o, Hakamo-o, Kommo-o
Generation 8:
- Cramorant
- Morpeko
This list of all Teal Mask Pokemon will continue to be updated as more are found within the DLC.
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet is available exclusively on Nintendo Switch.