It’s good new for fans of episodic story-based adventure games, as Telltale Games’ Head of Creative Communications Job Stauffer has revealed a little more on the two newest offerings from the California-based developers on Twitter. Hold on to your batarangs, because it looks like Bruce Wa – I mean, Batman – has finally got a semi-solid release date for his big debut with the California-based developer.
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Known for plot-heavy titles such as The Walking Dead, Tales from the Borderlands and A Wolf Among Us, it will certainly be interesting to see how the point-and-click and quicktime-event-based gameplay of Telltale Games’ previous titles will transfer to The Batman. The Caped Crusader is often in the midst of some kind of ethical dilemma (his refusal to kill The Joker and the consequences of his lack of bloodlust, for example), so be prepared to make some tough decisions on behalf of the heir to the Wayne fortune.

That isn’t all that was announced, however. It looks like lovers of The Walking Dead are set to see another official season of the zombie-splatting, Clementine-remembering, irritating-character-killing series as soon as this Fall. While the Michonne mini-series is hopefully doing something to help tide people over, it’s likely that many fans are frothing at the mouth to discover what’s next in store for Clementine and the crew.
However, the characters that we know and love may very well be not quite the same as we left them. In an interview with IGN, Robert Kirkman revealed that “we’ll be checking in on Clementine again” and hinting that we may well be encountering an older, more experienced and perhaps more brutal version of the young “sweet pea” from the original series.
Kirkman neither confirmed nor denied that Clementine would be a major character, but considering Telltale’s previous behavior of re-introducing previously-disappeared characters (looking at you Kenny), it would be very unusual and out of character to not put Clementine in the spotlight. Particularly after so many players have become so emotionally invested in the young orphan in a brutal world.
Zombie fans can expect to see the new series releasing sometime this Summer, while Bat-freaks will have to wait a little long until Fall. Until then, make sure you stay tuned to The Nerd Stash for all your film, comics and gaming news!