If you are chomping at the bit for the next episode of Telltale’s Game of Thrones adventure, you are in luck. Today, Telltale Games announced the release date for episode five of the six-part series, entitled “A Nest of Vipers.” To go with it, they also released a trailer to help whet your appetite. Check it out:

You can look to play the next episode in the adventure in a little less than a week, as Telltale announced that “A Nest of Vipers” will be available on July 21st. How do you think the Forresters will get through their dealings with the Boltons, Whitehills, Lannisters, and Wildlings? From the looks of the teaser, Rodrick may be in a spot of bother with everyone’s favorite sadist, and Mira may be earning a bit of grudging respect from Cersei Lannister.

You can check out our reviews of the previous episodes of Telltale’s Game of Thrones adventure series here: Episode 1 and 2, Episode 3, and Episode 4. So far, Telltale Games has woven quite a yarn based on the series from George RR Martin and HBO. Check back in next week for a review to see if that streak continues.
Excited to travel back to Westeros and across the Narrow Sea? Or have you had it with mashing ‘Q’? Let us know in the comments below.