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Perks and add-ons aren’t everything for Killers in Dead by Daylight. You can have the best build possible, but none of those perks make much of a difference if you land on a poor map. Map choice is randomized in the game unless you’re in a private lobby. However, you can burn specific Offerings to help influence which Realm you end up at. Here are 10 maps we feel you should focus on for various Killers in Dead by Daylight.
10 Best Maps for Killers in Dead by Daylight
Some maps seem tailored-made for Killers, while others lean toward Survivors. You can luck out and find a more balanced map, but if you’re running a Killer, you’ll want a Realm that will make The Trial go by with ease. We’ve compiled 10 of our favorite Dead by Daylight maps to help Killers excel. Our list is set up in alphabetical order since some maps are better for different Killers than others.
Autohaven Wreckers – Azarov’s Resting Place Map

Out of the Killer maps, this is one of the largest available. That doesn’t mean it helps Survivors, however. Instead, this is the perfect map to push a 3-gen game. Set up traps on one side of the map with characters like The Hag and the Trapper. You can even use The Skull Merchant’s drone ability to keep track of one side. It’s a plan that can push Survivors where you want them to be, making a large map seem smaller.
Autohaven Wreckers – Wrecker’s Yard Map

Wrecker’s Yard is among the 10 best maps for Killers in Dead by Daylight. It’s a compact map which plays in a Killer’s favor right away. Thanks to the map’s smaller size, items like Pallets are more grouped together. If you want to handle Pallets fast, consider Killer perks like Brutal Strength. It will help you knock down the few Pallets quicker, piling on the pressure to close in on Survivors.
Gideon Meat Plant – The Game Map in Dead by Daylight

This multi-floor map pulled straight out of the Saw films is excellent for many Killers. There is a lot of open space, and Generators tend to spawn in these areas. It helps you keep a sharp eye on Survivors, leaving them with few hiding spots. You can push them down to the basement, forcing them even closer to Hooks.
Grave of Glenvale – Dead Dawg Saloon Map in Dead by Daylight

Of the 10 best Killer maps in Dead by Daylight, the Grave of Glenvale only has a single Realm known as Dead Dawg Saloon. Of course, that can all change in future updates. For now, this map is fun for skilled Killer players. Survivors have a chance to score some easy loops, but you can cut those off with how well you can keep track of them.
There are not many places for Survivors to run off and hide either. Paired with the open space on the main road, you can keep sight of everyone. Also, it’s easy to force a 3-gen on this map. Generators usually spawn close together.
The Best Nemesis Builds in Dead by Daylight
Haddonfield – Lampkin Lane Map in Dead by Daylight

Inspired by Halloween, this map previously drove Killers insane. It had too many loops that led to endless chases, and the houses were easy for Survivors to hide in. However, that is all in the past. Lampkin Lane saw a rework that pushed it up the ranks to be one of the best maps for experienced Dead by Daylight Killers. The houses aren’t so close together anymore, and the street is more open to cut down on those loops. You can easily trap a Survivor inside a house and down them fast so you don’t waste time in a chase.
Léry’s Memorial Institute – Treatment Theater

Like the Grave of Glenvale and Gideon Meat Plant, Léry’s Memorial Institute only has one map: Treatment Theater. It’s an inside map too, which tends to be disadvantageous for Survivors. The feature that helps make this one of the 10 best Dead by Daylight Killer maps is limited space. It’s cramped inside the Treatment Theater, so it’s easy to corner Survivors. The Doctor and Carter’s Spark power can take advantage of it all. Plus, there is an ample amount of Hooks available.
MacMillan Estate – Shelter Woods Map

Shelter Woods is one of the best maps for Killers who focus on traps in Dead by Daylight. Take The Hag, for instance. On this map, there is plenty of junk lying around on the ground. It can help better hide your Phantasm Traps. Additionally, there are not many constructs that Survivors can run off and hide inside. In fact, the most prominent thing is the tree.
MacMillan Estate – Suffocation Pit Map in Dead by Daylight

The Suffocation Pit in the MacMillan Estate can seem harmful for Killers. You don’t want Survivors to lure you into the center section since that can become a looping nightmare. However, the rest of the map is where you shine because of how Generators typically spawn.
Survivors don’t typically complete these Generators fast since they spawn in areas a Killer can easily see or trap them. Consider the likes of The Nurse since there is ample space to use her Blink ability. Even the OG Trapper works well with how dark the map is and the tall grass. It gives him room to set down plenty of well-hidden traps.
Ormond – Mount Ormond Resort Map in Dead by Daylight

The only map in the Ormond Realm, Mount Ormond Resort is one of the best maps for Dead by Daylight Killers on visibility alone. It’s a snow-covered map. As such, everything is highlighted far better. It makes it harder for Survivors to stay hidden. Killer perks like Predator and Bloodhound can make it even easier to notice Scratch Marks and Pools of Blood.
Silent Hill – Midwich Elementary School Map

The Midwich Elementary School is a fun map to play on for fans of Silent Hill. But if we ignore the many easter eggs, we can focus on how a good Killer can wreak havoc on Survivors in this eerie school. In an intense chase, you can trap Survivors inside classrooms. Alongside that, the school has long hallways. These hallways can give you the necessary time to catch up to Survivors. Also, it works well for Killers like The Huntress and her hatchets.
Dead by Daylight is available on PC, PS5/PS4,