The next multiplayer mode from Titanfall 2, Live Fire, has been seen for the first time. A new trailer showing off this new mode was released to give players a taste of what’s to come in the future (some point this month). The new mode consists of a 6v6 pilot-only match with no respawns. Teams have 60 seconds in each round to either kill all enemy players or be in control of a flag that is, I’m assuming, placed in the center of the map at the beginning of each round. This sort of gameplay promises a fast paced mode that will require players to bring their A-game.
The quickness of the Live Fire mode will ensure that players utilize certain gameplay dynamics in order to be successful. For example, the new maps–Stacks and Meadows–are designed specifically for the Live Fire mode. This calls for the maps to be small, with very little room to flex your abilities. Taking advantage of flanks and the outnumbered chances you may have during each round will be critical. There’s not a lot of time to be advantageous, so don’t miss your shot when you have it.
I’m excited to see a fast paced Titanfall 2 mode that’ll allow players to really experience a battle without their mechs. As I said before, this will call for more strategy and teamwork than other modes. Live Fire will give players the opportunity to show off their first person shooter skills that modes with the mechs wouldn’t. Tight quarters, a limited time limit, and a single flag are the stakes; it’s just a matter of who’s up for the challenge. I know I’ll be ready to gear up my pilot when the battle call begins to roar through my mechs internal speakers. Time to fight it’ll say. Okay, I’ll say.
Take a look at the trailer below…