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Whether you’re new or a veteran in the Monster Hunter franchise, you should know that every game has many armor sets, and World isn’t an exception. However, this title has some of the most fun and challenging hunts. Like any elite hunter, you’ll be switching from sets over and over until you find the right one that suits your needs. With so many to choose from, it is important to know which ones are the best for most fights and for you to focus on getting the materials for your equipment.
Top 10 Armor Sets You Need in Monster Hunter World
Since many players are always starting their journey in the New World as members of the Fifth Fleet, we’ve decided to list a few armor sets for low and high ranks in Monster Hunter World. However, we recommend you stick with the latter because those who beat the game will surely spend a lot of hours in the endgame content of this entry. So, with that out of the way, let’s start this list.
10. Bone Set

This might be a strange choice to kick off the list with, but bear with us. While it might not be the best set for the late game, it is one that can carry you through the game’s first missions. It is pretty easy to make, and provided you’ve been keeping up with your investigations, you can max it out before switching to another set. Besides, the aesthetic of this armor is amazing, and anyone with a barbaric side will love it. Regarding stats, it’ll keep you safe against fire and thunder, which are elements you’ll encounter early in the game.
9. Anja Set

We had to pick the Anja Set for our list because we deem it one of the best armor sets in Monster Hunter World due to its normal and high-rank variants. The former provides a lot of resistance against fire and even a bit of a boost to the fire damage you do. However, it truly shines once you get the Alpha version because the skills are even better. This set is ideal for players who use weapons such as the Gunlance. The skills improve the damage you do with certain attacks, and it can be a fantastic set to have while fighting fiery monsters that you’re not too keen to get close to.
8. Odogaron Set

The Odogaron Set is fantastic for any situation. Whether you’re on the low-rank hunts or reaching the high-rank ones, you can grab this one, and it’ll help. Still, the Alpha version is much better. Looks aside, this is a killer armor set that provides a lot of affinity bonuses and even a few bonuses to your weapon sharpening. Many players have used this set to reach the endgame, and we aren’t the exception.
7. Kirin Set

Let’s face it: many get this armor set because of its looks. Besides that, though, there are some great things about the Kirin Armor Set that you should consider. First, it has extremely good bonuses, such as Marathon Runner and Thunder Attack, making it fantastic for anyone with any Thunder-infused weapon. Furthermore, it provides one of the best armor set bonuses in the form of Kirin Favor, which increases the chance of getting more materials when capturing monsters. This set is truly the best one for grinding.
6. Fulgur Anja Set

There are two reasons why we decided to add the Fulgur Anja Set as one of the best armor sets in Monster Hunter World. The looks are fantastic for both types of bodies, and secondly, the bonuses of the Beta version are beyond amazing. You have an increased stamina cap, which comes in handy, especially in long hunts. Beyond that, if you get stunned, it won’t last as long, and we know how annoying it is. And if that wasn’t enough, some items have increased duration with this set, making it ideal for expeditions and endgame encounters.
5. Glavenus Set

Anyone who’s played this game without rest will recommend the Glavenus Set in its Alpha or Beta variants. The bred and butter of this armor set is the Glavenus Essence bonus. It increases affinity by quite a bit, making it a fantastic choice for those who want to see big numbers when fighting. Yes, it might not be the most fashionable one, but it has a lot of functionality, and you can always use the Layered Armor feature if you want to prevent bulky armor.
4. Nergigante Set

When you meet your first Nergigante, you can’t help but feel scared and threatened, and with good reasons. The monster is as relentless as the armor set. It provides a leeching effect, which is great for those who are a bit trigger-happy with potions. Besides, it provides some great attack and affinity bonuses that are perfect for anyone, especially if you have the high-rank versions. It’ll take a while to get this set, but trust us, it pays to be patient.
3. Nargacuga Set

This is one of the best for ranged hunters, especially those with bows. This armor set provides you with hefty attack boosts when your health is full, meaning that fighting from afar with this is ideal. Also, it gives you a chance to not spend ammo or coating when fighting with bows, which is quite great since crafting ammo can get expensive sometimes. Overall, this is our personal choice whenever we want to grab our huge bow and shoot monsters from far away.
2. Drachen Set

We admit it: we’re FFXIV fans, but that’s not the only reason why the Drachen Set is one of the best armor sets in Monster Hunter World. Aside from the looks and it being one of the most iconic Dragoon sets in the aforementioned MMO, it has some terrific bonuses. It provides a lot of bonuses to jumping attacks, making it ideal for Insect Glaive users, and it also prevents your weapon from losing sharpness whenever it critically hits. It truly honors one of Final Fantasy‘s most iconic jobs.
1. Teostra

If you truly want to break your limits in Monster Hunter World, the Teostra Armor Set is the best one you can own. It provides players with much protection, hefty attack bonuses due to the Latent Power skills, and much more. This last skill kicks in after a certain amount of time has passed in a fight, making it ideal for late-game content and for those comfortable enough with their weapons. Also, the Weakness Exploit skill will help veteran hunters who know exactly where they should hit monsters when fighting, letting them take their time in a fight or speedrun anything they want.
As you can see, these armor sets have some great looks but also provide players with some fantastic bonuses. While many think weapons do all the heavy lifting, armor sets are crucial when looking for monsters in the New World and beyond. So, grab your favorite, mix and match if you want to, and prepare to hunt some creatures in this fun title.