With the release of Playstation VR just over the horizon, details regarding launch titles can expect to be examined thoroughly by Playstation users anxiously awaiting the upcoming virtual experiences. A surprising inclusion in the list of VR launch games, Submissive Games games has created a spin-off to their critically acclaimed horror adventure game Until Dawn.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EL3svUfC8Ds[/embedyt]
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Appealing to the nostalgic sense of every kid who’s ever played the giant headset virtual reality games at their respective boardwalks, Until Dawn: Rush of Blood is an on-rails shooter. The Launch trailer displays the user riding along a fixed rail, shooting clowns, ghosts, and a multitude of other terrifying attractions.
Containing multiple maps, players will have access to various different weapons in which to slay evil and top the leaderboards, with the ability to unlock more by attaining better high scores. Each map, around 10-15 minutes long respectively, contain unique enemies and central themes tied to the previous iteration of Until Dawn.
The game may feel like a simple haunted house interaction, but the trailer reveals the game is laced with a bevy of activities to warrant multiple playthroughs replayability. Featuring multiple difficulty levels, secret routes and collectables hidden among each map, players will find themselves playing the same map over and over again with different experiences each time.
While not the sequel fans have been clamoring for, Until Dawn: Rush of Blood features similar settings and characters native to the series. For those worried about the game tarnish the lore surrounding the franchise, the upcoming on-rails shooter is non-canon.
Whether or not an on-rails shooter is for everyone, it will be interesting to see what reviewers and consumers opinions are on the upcoming horror game. Will you be buying PlayStation VR? Are you mad that the game has an Until Dawn association? Be sure to let us know and leave a comment below!