Fatshark is kicking out the Patch #9 update for Warhammer 40K: Darktide; here are the detailed patch notes mentioning the recent changes. This patch brings new penances, balance tweaks, and more to the game, increasing gameplay for sure. We recommend installing the update as soon as possible for gameplay improvements and more. Check out the Warhammer 40K: Darktide Patch #9 update patch notes below.
Patch Notes for the Warhammer 40K: Darktide Patch #9 Update

Updated Features
- We have added new sets of class penances, with tiered cosmetic rewards to go along with them. The new penances provide more straightforward progression goals and are aimed at reinforcing the class roles, rewarding playing them well without disrupting the game.
- The old class penances have been moved to a tab at the bottom of the penance menu under ‘Redacted.’ We consider them to be more of “trick challenges, ” often requiring the entire team’s collaboration and a break from normal gameplay. This can be a lot of fun but should not be mandatory or forced upon unsuspecting teammates.
- Some of the old penances have also undergone some number tweaking to make them more achievable as a solo player without interrupting your teammates. Also, we have added a private session requirement for some Ogryn, Psyker, and Zealot penances to clarify that they require full team collaboration to be completed.
- We have also updated some of the existing penances. The Steam/MS Store achievements will be updated to have the same requirements as the penances with the same name.
New Penances
Veteran Sharpshooter
- Stay Accurate
- Kill 350 enemies with ranged weak spot hits.
- Resupply Allies
- Replenish 5000 total ammunition to allies using Scavenger.
- Stay Alert
- On Malice Threat or higher, kill 150 enemies that have been marked by Volley Fire.
- Fire Down Range
- On Malice Threat or higher, kill 100 enemies that are over 25 meters away.
- Find your Targets
- On Heresy Threat or higher, kill 2 Elite or Specialist enemies during a single Volley Fire, 50 times.
- Be Methodical
- On Heresy Threat or higher, keep Volley Fire active for over 20 seconds 5 times.
Psyker Psykinetic
- Prioritize Targets
- Kill 200 Elite or Specialist enemies with Brain Burst.
- Master Survival
- Use Psykinetic’s Wrath to survive Perils of the Warp 50 times.
- Power Up
- On Malice Threat or higher, kill 100 Elite or Specialist enemies with Brain Burst while at maximum Warp Charges.
- Unleash the Warp
- On Malice Threat or higher, Kill 2500 enemies with Warp attacks.
- Shoot Fast
- On Heresy Threat or higher, kill 25 Pox Hounds, Mutants, or Scab Trappers using Brain Burst before they incapacitate you or an ally.
- Keep Your Distance
- On Heresy Threat or higher, complete 3 full Missions without being hit in melee by an Elite enemy.
Zealot Preacher
- Control Crowds
- Stun 1500 enemies using Stun Grenades.
- Stay Strong
- Replenish 7500 Toughness using Chastise the Wicked.
- Find Their Weakness
- On Malice Threat or higher, kill 75 Stunned enemies with Critical Hits.
- Channel Your Rage
- On Malice Threat or higher, kill 1000 enemies with Melee Attacks while at least 3 stacks of Martyrdom.
- Master Your Tools
- On Heresy Threat or higher, kill 75 Elite or Specialist enemies with Powered Melee Attacks (Chain or Power weapons).
- Have Faith
- On Heresy Threat or higher, using Chastise The Wicked, dash toward a targeted enemy that is wielding a ranged weapon 40 times.
Ogryn Skullbreaker
- Help Everyone
- Revive or Assist 40 Knocked Down or Incapacitated allies.
- Keep Them Grounded
- Knock Down 5000 enemies.
- Clear the Path
- On Malice threat or higher, knock down 3 Ranged enemies using Bull Rush 25 times.
- Cleave Them Down
- On Malice Threat or higher, kill 2 enemies with a single Melee Attack 250 times.
- Keep Your Friends Close
- On Heresy Threat or Higher, complete 3 full Missions without any allies being Knocked Down or Incapacitated for longer than 10 seconds and without any allies dying.
- Bring The Hurt
- On Heresy Threat or higher, hit 4 Elite or Specialist enemies with Big Boxes of Hurt without missing an Elite or Specialist enemy with a Big Box of Hurt 5 times.
Updated Penances – Patch Notes for the Warhammer 40K: Darktide Patch #9 Update
Ogryn Skullbreaker
- Friends Will Be Friends:
- Changed the required mission time that a player must be in coherency with an ally from 100% to 90%.
- Gone Bowling:
- Changed the number of enemies requirement from 70 to 60.
- Heavyweight Champion:
- Changed the number of Ogryns; you must hit with Bull Rush from 6 to 4.
- Don’t Stop Me Now:
- Can now only be completed in a private game.
Zealot Preacher
- Just A Flesh Wound:
- Can now only be completed in a private game.
Psyker Psykinetic
- Going Out With A Bang:
- Changed the number of elites you must kill from 3 to 1.
- Pick n’ Mix:
- Changed the number of enemies you must kill from 5 to 4.
- Malleus Monstronum:
- Can now only be completed in a private game.
Veteran Sharpshooter
- One in the Chamber:
- Increased the number of times you need to kill an enemy with the last round in a clip from 5 to 8.
- Make Every Shot Count:
- Changed requirement from 100% accuracy to 90% accuracy.
Balance Tweaks – Patch Notes for the Warhammer 40K: Darktide Patch #9 Update
Enemy Units
- Changed spawn distribution for Heresy and Damnation, weight default population towards more Scab Maulers while introducing more variations of Elite patrols. Please note that the total amount of Elites and total threat value of all enemies spawned remains the same.
- Made heavier stagger variations require more impact for Scab Maulers while tuning their walk switch distance and increasing their ranged stagger resistance. They should still stagger but prefer lighter stagger reactions. This makes them less prone to fall over with the rest of the horde and instead stand and take the pain. Dev note: “The pacing director maintains the balance of all things. This change aims to provide more variation in the encounters by weighting away from ranged mobs and giving the melee guys more presence. By spawning more Melee elites, the director will spawn fewer ranged ones. By keeping Maulers on their feet, they’ll separate from the horde and stand out from the crowd.”
- Increased hit zone damage and adjusted hitpoints on Plague Ogryn and Beast of Nurgle to reward weak spot and torso hit more.
- Beast of Nurgle:
- Melee weak spot multiplier from 110% to 150%
- Melee head multiplier from 80% to 90%
- Melee non-tail limbs multiplier from 60% to 70%
- Ranged weak spot multiplier from 70% to 120%
- Ranged head multiplier from 40% to 50%
- Ranged non-tail limbs multiplier from 35% to 40%.
- Plague Ogryn:
- Torso melee multiplier from 75% to 85%
- Head ranged multiplier from 80% to 100%
- Torso ranged multiplier from 60% to 75%
- Increased base Plague Ogryn hitpoints from 16000 to 19000.
- Rebalanced monstrosity hitpoint pools over difficulties:
- Sedition: decrease to 60% from 65%
- Uprising: decrease to 75% from 80%
- Damnation: increase to 300% from 250%.
- Fixed case where the Daemonhost could stay longer than intended after players got revived during the fight.
Weapons and Blessings
- Increased active duration of Rev it up Blessings (available on Cadia Mk IV Assault Chainsword, Orestes Mk IV Assault Chainaxe, and Tigrus Mk II Heavy Eviscerator) from 2 seconds to 3 seconds.
- Increased the number of tiers on blessing Power Cycler (Munitorum Mk VI Power Sword and the Munitorum Mk III Power Sword ) from 1 to 2, adding a tier below the previous.
- Old:
- Tier [4]: 2 extra hits.
- New:
- Tier [3]: 1 extra hit
- Tier [4]: 2 extra hits.
- Old:
- Added 2 more tiers to Bloodletter and balanced values:
- Old:
- Tier [3] 8 stacks
- Tier [4] 10 stacks.
- New:
- Tier [1] 8 stacks
- Tier [2] 10 stacks
- Tier [3] 12 stacks
- Tier [4] 14 stacks.
- Old:
Feat Balance – Patch Notes for the Warhammer 40K: Darktide Patch #9 Update
- Exhilarating Takedown
- Increased Duration from 6 seconds to 8 seconds
- Increased Toughness replenished from 15% to 20%.
- Deadshot
- Reduced Stamina drained per second from 10% to 8%
- Reduced Stamina drained per shot from 5% to 4%.
- The Bigger They Are …
- Increased the Damage Bonus from 50% to 75%.
- Smash ‘Em Good!
- Increased Toughness replenished from 20% to 25%.
- Best Form of Defence
- Increased Toughness replenished from 20% to 25%.
- Blood & Thunder
- Increased Stacks of Bleed applied from 4 to 6.
- Bloodthirst
- Increased the maximum amount of Stacks from 5 to 6.
- Martyrdom
- Increased Melee Damage per Stack from 5% to 8%.
- Purify in Blood
- Increased the Toughness bonus from 75% to 100%.
- Fury of the Faithful
- Increased the Duration from 5 seconds to 10 seconds.
- Warp Absorption
- Increased the Toughness replenished from 10% to 15%.
Bug Fixes
Chasm Logistratum
- Added some more ambient sounds to the sub-rail section of Chasm Logistratum. Comms-Plex 154/2f
- Relocated a pickup in Comms-Plex 154/2f that could not be accessed.
- Adjusted the number of pickups in Comms-Plex 154/2f. Consignment Yard HL17-36
- Blocked off some locations in the end-event of Consignment Yard HL17-36 that allowed players to go out of bounds.
- Relocated a pickup in Consignment Yard HL17-36 that could not be picked up.
- Added new sounds during the mid-event for better sound feedback.
- Fixed an issue where the objective marker didn’t update correctly. Enclavum Baross
- Fixed an issue where players spawned on the wrong respawn location in Enclavum Baross. Excise Vault Spireside-13
- Fixed a number of locations in Excise Vault Spireside-13 where players could get stuck.
- Prevented an exploit in Excise Vault Spireside-13 that allowed players to complete the mission without completing the objectives. Hab Dreyko
- Fixed an area missing hanging ledges.
- Improved bot navigation at the start of the mission. Magistrati Oubliette TM8-707
- Fixed an issue Magistrati Oubliette TM8-707 where the boss could get stuck inside the elevator. Power Matrix HL-17-36.
- In Power Matrix, HL-17-36 fixed the distribution on two big chests that usually would be empty.
- Fixed minor visual clipping issues in Power Matrix HL-17-36. Refinery Delta-17
- Fixed a misaligned hang ledge at the start of Refinery Delta-17.
- Fixed crash when players hot joined during an event on Refinery Delta-17. Smelter Complex HL17-36
- Relocated a pickup in Smelter Complex HL17-36 that could not be picked up.
- Fixed an unreachable Tome spawn point in Smelter Complex HL17-36. Silo Cluster 18-66/a
- Moved a daemon host spawner that was very close to a respawn beacon in Silo Cluster 18-66/a. Multiple/Misc
- Fixed an issue where some objective markers didn’t update correctly in Chasm Station HL-16-11 and Power Matrix HL-17-36.
- Adjusted the distribution of Plasteel in the missions. Players should now find more of the material along the main path.
- Balanced the number of pickup spawners on all of the missions. Players should now find the same amount of available pickups on all missions.
- Fixed some locations where players could go out of bounds in Hab Dreyko and Chasm Station HL-16-11 missions.
- Fixed an issue that would cause missions to end prematurely before all players had reached the Valkyrie.
- Fixed an issue that would cause players’ input to be ignored in some cases while using the Auspex.
- Added a highlight to the Data Interrogation minigame that indicates when the players should click.
- Fixed an issue that caused hogtied players to be continuously teleported around the respawn location.
- Elevators should now more correctly detect if players are onboard.
- Fixed areas where enemies would be silent on the missions Vigil Station Oblivion, Silo Cluster 18-66/a, Magistrati Oubliette TM8-707, Excise Vault Spireside-13, Refinery Delta-17, and Relay Station TRS-150
- Fixed an issue where waterfalls would turn transparent when viewed from certain angles.
- Fixed an issue where older AMD cards could experience flickering.
- Improved performance on a number of missions.
- Improved Hair Masking – numerous Head cosmetics will no longer fully hide hairstyles and facial hair.
- Various VO fixes and timing alterations.
- Fixed so that subtitles activate correctly on Commodore’s Vestures lines.
- New VO for Hunting Grounds, Power Supply Interruption, and Ventilation Purge.
- Various VO fixes and timing alterations.
- Fixed a bug that caused the lighting in the Mourningstar to be too bright and “sunny”.
- Resolved an issue where the VO was out of sync with facial animations in the Prologue and Path of Trust cutscenes.
- Added DOF(depth of field) in outro win elevator cameras.
VFX, SFX, and Animation – Patch Notes for the Warhammer 40K: Darktide Patch #9 Update
- Fixed issue with Equinox Mk IV Voidstrike Force Staff explosion sounds being too loud.
- Added more crunch to Psykinetic Brain Burst SFX.
- Fixed issue with Twin-Linked Heavy Stubbers braced reload not playing SFX.
- Fixed cases where patrol animations did not match the speed of the patrolling enemy.
- Fixed a case where the Reaper tried to aim in one direction while the animation wanted to rotate in the opposite direction, resulting in a horrible display of spine twisting when aiming backward.
- Tweaked Reaper stagger animation durations to match the animation.
- Fixed a case where the Reaper mesh could end up inside geometry when staggering.
- Fixed an issue where the Munitorum Mk III Power Sword and the Munitorum Mk VI Power Sword special attack VFX were shown to still be active after having been turned off.
- Reduced intensity of Soulblaze VFX on enemies to reduce eye strain.
- Added SFX for venting damage.
- Added new SFX for taking corruption damage.
Weapons and Blessings
- Fixed issue where the Lawbringer Mk VI Combat Shotgun, Agripinaa Mk VII Combat Shotgun, and Kantrael Mk IX Combat Shotgun would be uncontrollable to aim if you started aiming and shooting during or right after sprinting.
- Turtolsky Mk IX Heavy Sword – Fixed a minor bug where the wrong charge animation was used on the weapon special -> heavy attack combo.
- Achlys Mk VII Twin-Linked Heavy Stubber – Fixed a bug where you couldn’t hold the button to start shooting when transitioning from other actions.
- Fixed issue with Weapon blessing Thrust wouldn’t reset correctly when aborting the charging of a melee attack.
- Fixed issue with weapon blessing “Full Bore” for Lawbringer Mk VI Combat Shotgun, Agripinaa Mk VII Combat Shotgun, Kantrael Mk IX Combat Shotgun, and the Lorenz Mk V Kickback, where it would not trigger if the pellets cleaved and hit other targets.
- Fixed bug where weapon spread would fluctuate when crouching and moving with Foe-Rend Mk V Ripper Gun and Foe-Rend Mk VI Ripper Gun.
- Fixed an issue that allowed the Kantrael Mk IX Combat Shotgun to light people on fire through walls.
Other Fixes
- Players joining a game in progress will now spawn close to another player as long as at least one player has moved away from the insertion point. This should reduce the amount of running and waiting needed if you join shortly after the game started but before the team has encountered any enemies.
- Fixed issue that caused mispredictions when using activated attacks on Munitorum Mk VI Power Sword and the Munitorum Mk III Power Sword and hitting dead rag-dolled enemies.
- Fixed so that non-special sticky attacks for the Assault Chainaxe and the Heavy Eviscerator do not move the camera vertically to help with nausea and jerky camera movement.
- Resolved an issue where changing Operative would remove you from the Strike Team.
Patch #9 update for Warhammer 40K: Darktide is available on PC and