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[Updated on October 1, 2024, to revise outdated formatting and improve readability.]

The end goal of this mission is to get a Militech drone from the Maelstrom gang. You are given a variety of choices when it comes to this quest. You can choose to call Meredith Stout or do through the mission without her help, you can choose to pay Royce or refuse to, and you can decide to free, kill, or ignore Brick. At some point, you’ll be faced with another decision to side with Maelstrom or side with Militech. As we mentioned above, your choices will dictate the future of dialogue with others, so we wrote out what happens in each Cyberpunk 2077 The Pickup outcome.
Should You Call Meredith Stout?
In our experience, it is better if you call Militech agent Meredith Stout. She’ll offer you a credchip, after putting a gun to your head, that has a tracking software within it. You can choose to remove the software, but Militech will realize that it happened and go after you. Alternatively, if you don’t remove it, Royce will realize that it’s there when he scans the credchip, prompting him to attack you.
It might not seem this way, but choosing to call Meredith provides more options throughout the mission. She’ll even offer to work again together at the end of the mission if you don’t decrypt the credchip.
Should You Pay Royce, Refuse, or Kill Him?
Royce will pose himself as the new boss of the Maelstrom now that Brick is out of the picture. So, when you mention that Brick has already been paid, it won’t bode well with Royce, and he’ll ask to be paid again. You can pay him, if you have the credchip that Meredith gave you or if you happen to have 10,000 eddies just lying around.
If you do this, then he will scan the credchip and either attack you because he found the tracker on it, or, if you removed the tracker, he will let you go. However, in removing the tracker, Militech will storm the building and start attacking. Malestrom will help if you choose to do this.
If Royce attacks you for any of the reasons above, he will become a boss fight at the end of the mission. You can also choose to kill him and draw your gun on him in the room with the robot. This will result in Maelstrom enemies attacking you, but you’ll be able to keep the robot, your cash, and the credchip to yourself now.
Should You Free Brick?
If you find and save Brick, you’ll have the chance to work with him again on a future Side Job. You can also choose to kill him in the room where you find him since he will be killed anyway if he moves from that spot. However, his death won’t do you any good.
Saving Brick and siding with Militech will also be beneficial for a Side Job involving Maelstrom as Militech will fight with you as a result of what happened in this mission.
Should You Side With Militech or Maelstrom?
If you side with Militech, you will be able to meet up with Meredith Stout and even get the chance to romance her later. Siding with her during this mission is the only way to unlock a romance with her. If you side with Maelstrom, then you’ll be on good terms with them and they’ll want to meet again for an upcoming Side Job.
Taking out Malestrom is a hard thing to do so early in the game, so you might want to consider all the options above before going in guns blazing in Cyberpunk 2077’s The Pickup’s outcomes.