Planet Hulk is a Hulk storyline that the Marvel faithful have been clamouring to have adapted. It’s not hard to see why. Hulk may be one of the Avenger’s powerhouses, but he doesn’t have a stable film franchise. The mean, green, punching machine’s only cannonical outing was 2008’s ‘Incredible Hulk’ starring Edward Norton.
We don’t talk about the 2003 offering.

In spite of being one of Marvel’s most famous heroes, Hulk remains on the bench in terms of solo films. Of course, he’s had one more than Black Widow or Hawkeye, but that’s besides the point.
Planet Hulk involves the Hulk being launched into space after one rampage too many. Earth doesn’t get trashed anymore and Hulk gets to live out his days in peace on an empty planet.
Of course, Hulk ends up landing on the wrong planet and ends up enslaved as a gladiator. Sounds good, right? Well IGN put this suggestion to Joss Whedon and he disagrees;
“It absolutely could be put onscreen. I don’t know if it should. I think part of what makes the Hulk great is the world around him and the Banner of it. And it would be mad expensive as well. I think if they were going to do a Hulk movie, they’d want to keep it more grounded.”
Disappointed? Thought of a better Hulk storyline than Planet Hulk? Let us know in the comments.