Biteberry is an important herb crafting material in Diablo 4, as it is used to make and upgrade various Potions, Incense, as well as Elixirs. For example, you’ll have to carry 20 Gallowvines, 10 Biteberries, and 5 Crushed Beast Bones to make one Light Healing Potion at Level 30. Alas, no vendor in D4 sells this vital crafting item and the only way to get Biteberry is by finding the locations in the overworld.
D4: Where is the Location of Biteberry?

Biteberry location in D4 is in Fractured Peaks, but there are five ways to obtain the item. The herb grows randomly all over the freezing Fractured Peaks, so forage them often as you walk through this zone. Opening reward Chests from Fractured Peaks World and Dungeon Events can sometimes give you Biteberries as well. Look for areas highlighted in orange colored on the map to know if there’s an ongoing Event.
Other than those locations, you can acquire Biteberry and other materials by completing D4 Tree of Whispers Quests and claiming the Reward Caches. Speaking of Caches, the Herb Cache you get from clearing various sidequests can also contain Biteberry. For that reason, always try to collect Grim Favors and clear out any sidequests you come across.
Lastly, in D4 you can also trade excess Gallowvine for Biteberry over at the Alchemist’s location. Do keep in mind that it costs 5 Gallowvines for 1 Biteberry, so we suggest only trading them in a pinch.
To reiterate, below are the locations and methods for farming Biteberry in D4:
- Gather random plant nodes in the Fractured Peaks zone.
- Complete World and Dungeon Events in Fractured Peaks and claim the rewards.
- Go to D4 Tree of Whispers location and claim Rewards Caches for Biteberry.
- Finish sidequests and redeem the Herb Caches.
- Trade Gallowvines x5 for Biteberry x1 at the Alchemist.
Diablo 4 is available for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5,