Whether if you’re a House of The Dragons fan or just want to have a dragon pal by your side, you actually can in Palworld. The dragon is not a creature that you get to fight and capture easily in Palworld. However, just like in novels and fantasy stories, if you find their eggs, you can then hatch them. The item is called Huge Dragon Egg in Palworld, and you can have it early in the game if you visit a specific location on the map.
Huge Dragon Eggs Locations in Palworld

You can find Huge Dragon Eggs in Palworld if you visit the Mount Obsidian location. This area is on the west side of the Palworld map, surrounded by magma. To get to this destination, you’d need a flying pal. On low levels, the best pal that you can fly with is the Nitewing, which you can build its saddle on level 15.
Of course, you might also come across Huge Dragon Eggs items in other locations on the map by chance. But Mount Obsidian is the only place where you’ll find at least one Huge Dragon Egg each day you search the area.

After you’ve found the Huge Dragon Eggs, remember to build an Egg Incubator to hatch them. This process might take two hours of in-game time to unlock your dragon for you. Keep in mind that sleeping at night won’t cut the hours.

Now, there’s one thing that you should remember before visiting Mount Obsidian in hopes of finding a super-powerful dragon. The Huge Dragon Eggs will give you a dragon, that’s for sure. But what kind of dragon? In my first attempt, I got the one you see in the image above, pouring water on my red berry farms. If you hatch maybe 10 Huge Dragon Eggs, chances of getting a fire-breathing dragon are so high in Palworld.
Palworld is currently available to play on