Like most mobile games in the market, Brawl Stars character rarities are categorized into five levels. Most of the meta ones are Mythic and Legendary-level Brawlers, but even Epic-tier heroes can shine bright in some scenarios. Considering they are easier to get than their rarer peers as well, you definitely don’t want to waste their potential. There are 25 Epic rarity Brawlers in Brawl Stars, so which ones are the best and worthy to be max leveled in 2024?
Brawl Stars: The Best Epic Rarity Brawler in 2024

Out of the 25 Epic Brawlers, we have selected 10 to be considered as the best characters in the game. We also separated them into three tiers depending on their versatility and niche abilities.
S Tier, the Absolute Best Epic Brawlers in Brawl Stars
- Angelo: Although quite underrated in the community, we do believe that Angelo is able to stand his ground in various game modes. Owing to hovering over water tiles, the Master Fletcher Gadget, and the AOE healing Star Power, Empower. He might be weak against the Max and Poco duo combo, but overall he’s a very versatile Epic Brawler.
- Bea: Sure, she has a pretty low HP compared to most other Brawlers, but don’t let it fool you. Bea has an extremely high DPS potential thanks to her fast reload, range, and damaging charged attack. Play well and you’ll reap all the rewards.
A Tier Epic Rarity Brawlers
- Bibi: While going for close-range combat often spells doom for other Brawlers, that’s not the case for Bibi. She’s quite agile, has a Super that bounces, fully charged attacks can knockback, and can easily increase her survivability with Vitamin Booster and Star Powers. You just have to know when and how to pick a fight when playing as her because of her limited range.
- Belle: If you’re looking for a ranged character, then you can’t go wrong with her. She can deal damage to multiple targets from afar and mark enemies for extra damage from any source. For that reason, try using her in Knockout or Special Events to buff your team’s damage output.
- Colette: With Push It! and Hypercharge Colette can harass enemies fast and hard. However, you really need a good teammate to make her sing. A very strong team player, her kit mostly excels in Hot Zone, Gem Grab, Brawl Ball, and Heist.
- Pam: It’s safe to say that in 2024, Pam is still considered to be one of the best Epic healer Brawlers in Brawl Stars. All thanks to Pulse Modulator and her Mythic gear that buffs up her healing capabilities. In combat, you need to risk being face-to-face against an enemy, but Scrapsucker can often help you win such direct fights. A great support that can stand on her own.
- Stu: He was considered broken in his debut, but now he mostly works as a DPS support, especially in Duo Showdown or Hot Zone. Giving him Breakthrough is the best way to make him shine.
B Tier, Pretty Good Epic Brawl Stars Brawlers
- Edgar: A well-rounded Epic Brawler, but compared to other characters in Brawl Stars, he’s kinda lacking. Playing around with him is very fun and unique; you can chain his jumps with Hypercharge and Let’s Fly Gadget. Highly recommended for Brawl Ball or playing with a guerilla style in Showdown.
- Pearl: We haven’t talked much about a tanker but Pearl fits the bill if you’re looking for one. She has good range and damage potential by filling up the Heat Bar. But it also becomes her Achilles heel, as you need to fill up the Bar to maximize her potential. Still, her thick HP can help her teammates soak up damage while you wait.
- Piper: While she has a similar playstyle to Mandy, we decided to include Piper on this list because of her kit. The Auto Aimer Gadget can slow and knockback the nearest opponent. Her Snappy Sniping Star Power also buffs up her reload rate, giving Piper a lot of breathing room in combat. She works fine in modes like Knockout, Bounty, Hot Zone, and even Heist.
Brawl Stars is available on mobile devices.