Having trouble with today’s Wordle? You learn that today’s word ends with UT but you don’t know the other letters. Unlike puzzles such as Jumble, you don’t have enough attempts to keep guessing the correct letters. You can’t switch around the letters like you do in Waffle or you risk losing your existing answers. It’s tempting to try randomly, but you shouldn’t waste your existing tries. Fortunately, you can use tips to get closer to the answer and solve it on your own. With a word list that contains all 5 letter words that end with UT, you shouldn’t have much trouble finding the answer.
All 5 Letter Words That End With UT
Here’s a list of 48 five letter words that end with UT, which could be today’s Wordle answer:
- About
- Aleut
- Amaut
- Arnut
- Bafut
- Bahut
- Balut
- Beaut
- Butut
- Caput
- Chout
- Claut
- Clout
- Crout
- Debut
- Degut
- Donut
- Erdut
- Flout
- Galut
- Gamut
- Ghaut
- Glout
- Grout
- Incut
- Input
- Irkut
- Kaput
- Kiput
- Knout
- Kraut
- Mazut
- Rebut
- Recut
- Refut
- Reput
- Salut
- Scout
- Shout
- Skout
- Smout
- Snout
- Spout
- Stout
- Strut
- Tocut
- Trout
- Uncut
- Yakut
If you can’t make sense of the list, here are some tips you can try:
- Eliminate words whose letters you know are wrong. Let’s say you discover that the word doesn’t include the letters “S, K, or E”. That allows you to take out words such as “Scout” or “Kaput” because those words can’t be correct. This helps you narrow down the list and get closer to finding the correct word.
- Leave duplicate letters for the end. Unless you are confident that the word has duplicate letters (two “T”s), it’s best to leave those words alone and focus on the others. Once you have eliminated other possibilities, you can try the duplicate letter words to see if they work. Your goal should be finding as many clues as possible with unique letter words. But if other letters don’t work, you might have a duplicate letter answer.
- Save your last two attempts for precise guesses. Your first four guesses are great for experimenting with different letters. Once you are down to two attempts, you should start narrowing in on what you think the word could be. It’s too risky to spend your fifth try finding another clue. You should have enough information to decide what the word could be, and this word list helps you weed out incorrect answers.
Knotwords Daily Classic Solution (July 7) – Today’s Answer
With the word list and tips at your side, you shouldn’t have a problem. If you are still stuck, check out today’s Wordle answer and keep your streak. Practice with previous puzzles if you want to challenge yourself.