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You might be eager to start your adventure in Enshrouded, but before you delve into the Shroud, there are a few things you should craft first. Since this is a survival title, being unprepared can cost you a lot. Dying removes a lot of the stuff you’re carrying, and going back for it can take a long time. Plus, if you die inside the Shroud, you can’t fast travel there, meaning it’ll get frustrating after a well. But, with patience and the suitable materials, you can put the essentials in your backpack before your next grand adventure.
The 7 Essential Items for Every Enshrouded Playthrough
With so many recipes in Enshrouded, people might find it daunting to choose which ones to craft first. While saving materials for a good base or armor might seem like a good idea, there are other essential objects you should always carry. To make it easier, here’s a list of what we recommend making before heading out on a journey.

Initially, finding potions might seem heaven-sent, and that’s a fact. However, you can’t wait for potions to appear every time you open a chest and clear a dungeon. And, if you don’t want to waste your food, it is better to have some healing items at hand. We recommend crafting some Bandages as soon as possible and before heading out. The initial healing amount isn’t high, but it provides healing over time. Also, it is a great item to have while fighting as the animation to use it is quick and will let you focus on smacking some enemies quickly.

Another thing we recommend crafting as soon as you get a few metal scraps is a Lockpick, or many of them if possible. Even in the starting area, chances are you’ll find a few hidden basements with some locked chests. The only way to open them is by carrying a few lockpicks with you. We know that metal scraps are scarce during the game’s first hours, but crafting this item is a good investment. You never know what useful stuff you might find inside the next chest.

This might be obvious, too, but crafting a Club is one of the first things you should do in Enshrouded. Speaking from experience, we all roamed like the seven dwarves with our pickaxes and hit everyone with them, all because we didn’t see the Club in the crafting menu. Before you get the Blacksmith, this is the best and only melee armament you can have, and it packs a good punch. Yes, it might not beat over-leveled enemies, but wolves and goats won’t stand a chance.
Grappling Hook

This is a must, and the game will likely nudge you into crafting this one first, but a Grappling Hook is a must for exploration purposes. We made the horrible mistake of trying to go around the bridge that requires a Grappling Hook to cross and attempted to jump it, just to die from being stubborn and losing our things. If you can, craft this first. It’ll let you reach new places and even allow you to explore some of the Spires in the game that are full of interesting loot.

Last but not least, one of the most original Gliders we’ve seen in any game that doesn’t copy Breath of the Wild. With this, you can say goodbye to those long walks to reach the bottom of the map, provided you have enough stamina. While you’ll need a lot of materials, you can get everything you need for your glider in the starting area. With it, you can soar the skies or at least land with style with this item.
Once you clear the first Well, everything opens up in the game. You’ll get new quests sending you to other far reaches in Enshrouded, so just remember to pack the essentials in your backpack and enjoy the journey in this foggy land.