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One of the best criminal careers you can pick when starting your journey in GTA Online is that of an MC President due to all its profitable businesses. While you start with a free one, the subsequent ones you unlock are costly, and you should prioritize which one you should get first. While all of them give you some great passive income, there are a few with better payouts, locations, and upgrades. So, sit back on that clubhouse chair and prepare to pick the best property for your Motorcycle Club.
The Most Profitable MC Businesses in GTA Online

There are five MC Business categories in GTA Online that can be profitable with the right upgrades and locations. However, you won’t be able to buy them all straight away. Sometimes, you have to invest in one, accrue some money, and proceed to buy other properties. And yet, it is also important to know which ones give you the most bang for your buck. So, without further ado, let’s take a look at the MC businesses from worst to best in terms of profitability.
5. Document Forgery Office

To the surprise of no one, the Document Forgery Office is the least profitable MC Business in GTA Online. This is one we don’t recommend buying unless you really need it for your Nightclub or just have a lot of money to throw away. The thing about this is that it’ll make a bit more than $120,000.00, which isn’t bad, but you can make that faster in active jobs instead of waiting for this business to accrue product.
4. Weed Farm

Maybe due to Lamar Davis reigning the streets of Los Santos with LD Organics, that’s the reason why weed doesn’t sell as we’d like. Even if the concept is great and the interior of this business looks fantastic, there isn’t a real reason to get this first. You can get $256,000.00 with all upgrades, but the investment to get it to the highest level and then waiting for a good sale is just too much. Sadly, organic substances didn’t win the race in Los Santos.
3. Counterfit Cash Factory

We’re happy to report that the MC Business you get for free when you boot up GTA Online for the first time is one of the most profitable, with the highest sale going for almost $300,000.00. It doesn’t reach the heights of Meth or Cocaine, but it’ll help you save a lot of money. Besides, the locations of this business are fantastic and very accessible, meaning sale missions won’t be a hassle. It might not be the best looking, but it’ll help you save some cash.
2. Meth Lab

Yes, we would’ve loved to feel like Walter White in Los Santos and be the kings and queens of a drug empire, but guess what? Meth isn’t the best-selling substance in the city. Still, you can get almost $400,000.00 from a sale mission, which isn’t bad at all. If you have all the upgrades and the right security, all you need is to grab your MC members and hit the streets of LS with this coveted product.
1. Cocaine Lockup

Last but not least, we have Cocaine Lockups as the best MC Businesses in the game. This one can net you almost half a million once you fully upgrade it. If you want to wait for other things to fill up at your Nightclub, you can run this business calmly and wait for the money to come to you. However, we recommend grabbing at least a party of four to make a big sale and, just to be sure, make it on an invite-only session.
As you can see, while all MC Businesses are profitable in their own way, only a few are worth investing in GTA Online. However, if you choose to buy them all, you can get your money back through the Nightclub, which is one of the best ways to make money in the game. So, get on those bikes, hire some people, and start selling your product all around Los Santos.