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While the world of multiplayer live service games is riddled with microtransactions, there are a few that stand out as generous. One of those is FFXIV. Through its Mog Station, the game offers many optional items that, while not pay-to-win, can improve one’s adventure in Eorzea. After diving into this online store, we’ve found the best items from FFXIV‘s Mog Station you can buy at any moment. And, before we delve fully into the list, remember these are optional items and are not required to progress through the game.
10. Tales of Adventure: Shadowbringers

You might feel like we’re contradicting ourselves with this choice here, as it is a literal story skip; there’s a reason for that. Let’s say you’re an altoholic (someone who likes to have many characters in one MMO). Other games, such as WoW, require you to have several characters to try new classes, but FFXIV doesn’t. However, some people might want to play the story again with a different Warrior of Light. If that’s the case, skipping to one of the newest expansions isn’t a bad idea. Still, we only recommend doing this once you’ve finished the game’s story.
9. Tales of Adventure (Any Job)

Tied to the previous entry, anyone who skips the story (preferably in an alt character) should consider getting a job boost as well. See, if you skip the story, you’ll have a level-one character in the newest expansion, which isn’t ideal. For that, you should always buy a story skip and a job skip at the same time, otherwise, you’ll have to level your character through other difficult means and it’ll take a lot of time. Again, we only recommend buying this after you finish the story once with a character. It is not ideal to skip all the adventure as many things are tied to the MSQ, and this MMO is heavy on its storytelling.
8. Phial of Fantasia

People have gone broke with this item, and we don’t blame them; it is one of the best in the Mog Station of FFXIV. Essentially, it allows you to change your character’s gender and race by purchasing this potion. While not expensive, if you’re not a fan of your character’s new race, your wallet will go empty soon. Personally, we recommend using the Phial of Fantasia, which you get for free after finishing A Realm Reborn‘s story. But, if you want to swap from Hyur to Lalafell or any other race, you can buy as many Fantasia as needed.
7. Promise of Devotion (Platinum)

I’ll be honest with you: I’m not a big fan of having the wedding mechanic tied to a store purchase, but it makes sense in some ways. FFXIV‘s marriage system has three packages you can buy, the Platinum one being the most expensive but the most complete one. It includes two glamour sets, a quest you can do with your significant other, and a scripted ceremony with up to 40 guests. It is a nice thing to do that provides a few rewards for those lovey-dovey players, but we only recommend getting it if you have someone who really wants to get married in the game and can split the cost.
6. Omega Attire

Moving on to some of the best fashion items in the Mog Station of FFXIV, we had to include the Omega Attire. Anyone who’s done the Omega raids in the MMO will remember these iconic bodysuits. They are extremely good-looking and full of fan service for any gender. Yes, we would’ve liked to obtain them in-game, but they’re not too expensive and are worth the purchase. Furthermore, any job at any level can equip the outfit, making it a great purchase if you don’t like the early-game armor sets.
5. Resshi Attire

This entry is for all my weebs and otakus out there. While Stormblood has many Japanese-themed outfits, and certain seasonal events bring some, they aren’t as great as the Resshi Attire. Wearable by any job at any level, this ensemble is fantastic for those who want to bring some Eastern culture into their adventure. Personally, I love wearing this outfit on my Ninja or Samurai, and it never disappoints.
4. Brand-New Alisaie/Alphinaud Attire

When it comes to cosplay, there are many outfits in the store. However, we picked the ones from Eorzea’s most famous twins. Alisaie and Alphinaud have fantastic designs and are worth buying if you want to honor said characters. We prefer Alphinaud’s one as it goes great with the Sage job. Still, Alisaie’s outfit isn’t too bad, and since it’s one of the more modern ones, it’s better quality than that of her twin.
3. Lunar Whale Mount

FFXIV is no stranger when it comes to weird mounts. You can ride a Paissa, a Gorilla, and get trapped inside a TV. Well, what about riding inside a whale? Yes, that’s possible with the Lunar Whale mount. While it is one of the most expensive items in the store, it holds eight players, making it great for Treasure Hunts or FATE farming. If you want to get this one, make sure to have two things: friends and money.
2. Fatter Cat Mount

As a proud cat owner, I have to admit this was my first purchase. Outfits be damned, I just wanted to fly on a fat cat. This mount is one of the fluffliest and best-looking in the MMO. It might only hold one character, but the mount’s animation and design are second to none. A quick note, though: don’t read the mount’s description. If you do, you might throw that “Aww” reaction out the window and change it to a “What the heck am I riding?” reaction. You’ve been warned.
1. SDS Fenrir Mount

Whether you’ve watched Advent Children or not, the SDS Fenrir Mount is the best item in the whole Mog Station of FFXIV. Why? Well, as you may or may not know, your mount speed is extremely slow in the early levels. With this high-tech bike, you can reach the first speed level regardless of your level. This will make moving between early areas a breeze while making you look like the edgy, forgetful boy you are (assuming you played FFVII).
While we consider these the best items in the Mog Station of FFXIV, they aren’t necessary to progress through the story or to give you an edge in the fight. The game has never been pay-to-win, and we hope it doesn’t become one, so get the items that are fun or attractive to you. Ultimately, these things only serve to make your Warrior of Light look better, so choose your favorite, but spend your cash wisely.