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The Paladin is the most popular class in Baldur’s Gate 3 by a long shot. Players who decide to go down this path take an oath that guides them on their journey. However, you will eventually become an Oathbreaker if you don’t abide by this oath. Shunning your morals does have some benefits, utilizing the perks to become a high single-target force of destruction. In this BG3 Oathbreaker Paladin build guide, we will discuss how to become the best morally grey protector.

Endgame BG3 Oathbreaker Paladin Build
Let’s first review the endgame layout for this BG3 Oathbreaker Paladin guide and then break it down into tips and tricks. The main point to be mentioned here is that Oathbreaker Paladins function best when multiclassing with Warlock. This build has great survivability, useful group utility, and also insane burst single-target damage.
Here is the general list of things to keep in mind with this BG3 Oathbreaker Paladin build:
- Race isn’t too important, but Half-Orc does have a slight advantage due to the Savage Attacks racial trait.
- Starting abilities: 17 Charisma and 16 Constitution are advised. Furthermore, you might want at least 12 Strength. All other abilities are up to you.
- At level two select the Great Weapon Fighting style. For spells, the following are suggested:
- Command, Heal Wounds, Thunderous Smite, Wrathful Smite, and Bless
- At level four, choose the Savage Attacker feat for this BG3 Oathbreaker Paladin build.
- Continue leveling Paladin until you get it to level five. Additional spell suggestions include:
- Searing Smite, Blinding Smite, and Aid
- Multiclass into Warlock once you reach level five Paladin. Choose the Great Old One as your specialization. Pick Eldritch Blast and any other Cantrip and put the next five levels into Warlock.
- Hex is a useful Warlock spell, and pick Beguiling Influence, Devil’s Sight, and Repelling Blast in any order for your Eldritch Invocations.
- Choose the Pact of the Blade Warlock pact and your first feat should be Ability Improvement with two points into Charisma.
- Your spells don’t matter too much while you level Warlock. However, Counterspell is a useful one to have.
- To complete this BG3 Oathbreaker Paladin build, put the rest of your levels into Paladin, ending with a seven Paladin/five Warlock combination.

Breaking Your Oath
Breaking your oath as a Paladin in BG3 is simple. However, you have to be okay with being a jerk. By far the easiest way to accomplish this is by just murdering a civilian in cold blood while in public.
Once you do this, the Oathbreaker Knight will show up immediately and tell you to meet him in camp. Long rest after this and he will be in your camp at night. In speaking to him, you will learn that breaking your oath gives you useful abilities.

Putting It All Together
Oathbreaker Paladins get a powerful spell called Aura of Hate, which is super beneficial for this BG3 Oathbreaker Paladin build:
- You and any nearby friends (and undead) gain additional damage dealt with melee weapons equal to your charisma modifier. The aura disappears if you fall Unconscious.
Elixirs of Hill Giant Strength are mandatory while leveling as they provide a high increase to Strength. Furthermore, the Giantslayer Greatsword is what makes this build shine. You obtain it by defeating the undead dragon underneath Baldur’s Gate in Act Three.
This BG3 Oathbreaker Paladin build further shines with help from support classes to add to your attack rolls. Spells like Bless and Haste are also extremely helpful.
Baldur’s Gate 3 is available for PC, PlayStation, and