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From the campaign to the Arena, Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon has a lot to keep players busy. PvP fights against other players in the Nest are some of the most fun but also difficult challenges in this fantastic mech game. Players looking for the perfect PvP build to bring into the Nest will want to start by considering a solid tetra loadout. With a couple of tweaks, that build can be adapted into a PvP monster. This tetra build brings overwhelming aerial superiority, keeping foes on their toes with an endless onslaught of missiles until they eventually give in. That’s what makes it arguably the best PvP build in the game.
R-Arm – WS-5000 Apertif

The Apertif siege missile launcher works wonders in PvP. Even experienced players often struggle to dodge salvos from this weapon. That’s due to their built-in delay. Missiles from this weapon hesitate in mid-air during flight before launching themselves at the target. The stagger in timing messes with many players’ timing. Combine that with the salvos from the other weapons on this build, and dodging everything becomes borderline impossible.
L-Arm – HML-G2/P19MLT-04

The HML-G2/P19MLT-04 might not have a name that rolls off the tongue, but it does have the ability to fire four missiles with multi-lock. The HML-G2 splits its focus between Attack Power and Impact, doing a fair amount of each. In story mode, a salvo of these missiles is strong enough to one-shot MTs. In PvP, HML-G2 can either help you build your opponent’s Impact Meter or do critical damage when their defenses have already dropped.
R-Back and L-Back – WR-0999 Delivery Boy

The Delivery Boy is a bulky, boxy part that only really shines on builds like this one. This cluster missile launcher carpet-bombs the target area, making evasion difficult. That’s particularly true if you’ve already zoned your opponent, so always look for opportunities to corner them if you can. Once your opponent is pinned down, the Delivery Boy can work its magic, falling like explosive rain upon the battlefield. With two of these equipped, their already fearsome Attack Power and Impact are even better.
Head – HD-033m Verrill

The HD-033M Verrill isn’t the strongest head unit, but it’s close. In addition to sporting high AP to keep the player alive, it also has high Attitude Stability and System Recovery. That combination means the player will be able to shrug off most attacks and keep firing. That’s critically important for a build like this one. Less stagger time means more time spent firing missiles, and that’s the whole point.
Arms – AC-2000 Tool Arm

The AC-2000 contributes to a specific part of this build’s strategy: always stay airborne. This build is vulnerable when grounded, so you need to hover above the opponent and maintain air superiority with constant missile attacks. The AC-2000 holds an acceptable middle ground, offering decent AP while being light and energy efficient enough not to mess up the build’s overall stats.
Core – VE-40A

The VE-40A is one of the best core options for this kind of build. Though this isn’t a tank, this build shares a lot in common with such builds, including an emphasis on AP and load capacity. The VE-40A offers solid performance in both of those areas. While some tetra builds emphasize lighter, faster movement, the best PvP build is all about avoiding or weathering incoming damage until the mech’s missiles can finish off the enemy.
Legs – LG-033M Verrill

The LG-033M can stay aloft for a long time, which is pretty much the point of this build. With these legs, it’s feasible to spend most of the battle high overhead, spamming rockets. Other AC types struggle to keep up with this loadout in the air, and it’s important to lean into that strength. The LG-033M isn’t as heavily defended as tank builds, but it has enough AP to survive some impressive hits and shrug off many attacks that would otherwise stagger.
Booster – BC-0200 Gridwalker

For the energy and weight composition of this build, the BC-0200 Gridwalker provides some of the best results in combat. Its most important stat is its incredible Upward Thrust. Because of that, this tetra can launch itself rapidly into the air. Getting off the ground and out of enemies’ reach is priority number one, so there’s no going wrong with the Gridwalker. It makes sacrifices in other stats in order to achieve that Upward Thrust, but it’s not giving up anything the best PvP build can’t afford to lose.

The FCS-G2/P10SLT has two primary virtues. The first is solid all-around performance in the Close, Medium, and Long-Range Assist stats. While this AC ideally stays somewhere in the mid-range above opponents, it’s important to be able to land salvos even if pushed out of that comfort zone. This FCS specializes in missiles, specifically reducing lock time. Less time locking on means more time firing, keeping up a constant salvo to eventually overwhelm opponents.
Core Expansion – Terminal Armor

Terminal Armor is one of the best Core Expansions, even for players who typically avoid dropping to 0 AP in most fights. For heavy armament builds like this one, it’s even better. After deploying this powerful shield, the player can spam missiles with impunity. Maximizing one’s DPS in those moments can secure a win during even the most difficult PvP battles. It’s worth experimenting with alternative Core Expansions to find the best fit for one’s playstyle, but Terminal Armor works wonders for the best PvP build in Armored Core 6.
Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon is available now for PC, PlayStation 5, and