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In Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon, tetrapods are known for their carrying capacity, unusual movements, and aerial prowess. This last quality is the most important when contemplating builds in this beautiful mech game. Tetras can change boost modes, hovering in the air for far longer than any other AC. That’s useful from the Arena to story mode and PvP. This build capitalizes on that advantage, transforming into a floating missile platform capable of raining death from above. There are innumerable options when putting together a loadout in AC6, each with its own strengths, but this is surely one of the best tetra builds in the game.
R-Arm – WS-5000 Apertif

The WS-5000 Apertif embodies this build’s strategy: inundate your opponent with a deluge of missiles until their defenses collapse. The missiles fired by the Apertif hesitate in the air before propelling themselves after this target. This hesitation makes avoiding the barrage difficult. They’re good on their own, but they really shine when combined with the other missiles equipped in this build. Time your attacks well, and opponents will find themselves harassed by missiles for the entire duration of combat.
L-Arm – HML-G2/P19MLT-04

The HML-G2/P19MLT-04 fires four missiles at once. Each does decent damage, and the player can lock on to up to four targets at once. There are countless situations throughout the campaign when the player will be confronted with multiple enemies, and the HML-G2 is an easy solution. Being able to alternate from focusing fire on a single target to dispatching with multiple foes at the same time makes the HML-G2 a strong choice for a secondary hand weapon.
R-Back – BML-G1/P07VTC-12

Many missiles in Armored Core 6 follow a horizontal trajectory toward their target. While the direct approach is nice, such missiles are rendered useless by walls and forward-facing shields. Vertical missiles are the solution, and the BML-G1 is the heavy variety. Firing 12 rounds per volley, the BML-G1 offers significant Attack Power and Impact. Combining vertical attacks from this launcher with more traditional attack patterns makes the player’s attacks extremely difficult to avoid. That’s part of what makes this the best tetra build.
L-Back – WS-5001 Soup

The WS-5001 Soup follows this build’s goal of endless missile harassment. It fires 10 missiles at a time, each of which does decent damage and Impact. This weapon divides its salvos into three stages. The result is multiple ways of fire that deny opponents any opponent to safely regain energy or find their footing. Between these scatter missiles and the rest of this build’s offensive offering, opponents will be scurrying for cover only to discover that it won’t protect them either.
Head – HD-033M Verrill

The HD-033M Verrill offers impressive AP and Attitude Stability, which are the main reasons it’s included in this loadout. Being a floating missile platform inevitably makes you a target, after all. Whether you’re dealing with weak MTs in story mode or a trio of deadly players in PvP, the HD-033M Verrill helps the player tank incoming damage and keep the onslaught going. Though it doesn’t provide much AP as the core, every little bit counts.
Core – VE-40A

The VE-40A is one of the bulkiest cores in the game. Like other heavy cores, the VE-40As primary virtue is its considerable AP and damage defense. While not as AP-focused as some tank builds, the best tetra build brings solid defense to the table. The VE-40A also offers top-notch generator output adjustment. That isn’t the part’s defining trait, but it’s certainly nice. Given how much time tetras spend airborne, anything that increases energy efficiency helps.
Arms – AC-2000 Tool Arm

The Tool Arms are something of a quirky pick, but they fit well with the rest of the loadout. Like many of the best builds in the game, this loadout begins with its weapons and works its way outward. Tool Arm is simple, straightforward, and a bit boring, but this part gets the job done. Mid-range AP and Firearm Specialization help set the Tool Arm apart, and it’s not so weighty that it drags the loadout down.
Legs – LG-033M Verrill

The LG-033M Verrill combines mobility with the strength necessary to host a number of heavy weapons. Though this AC can tank a number of hits thanks to its chunky armor, it’s always preferable to avoid attacks in the first place. Hovering high above the battlefield, the LG-033M legs keep the tetrapod out of enemies’ reach while giving it the perfect vantage point to destroy its prey.
Booster – BC-0200 Gridwalker

The BC-0200 Gridwalker offers decent standard Thrust and subpar QB Thrust. Thankfully, the best tetra build doesn’t depend upon Quick Boosting. Instead, it relies upon airtime, and the Gridwalker provides the AC with unparalleled Upward Thrust. Stay high to stay alive, well above the napalm, minefields, and explosions at ground level.

The FCS-G2/P10SLT FCS is, as its description claims, a missile specialist. It offers a satisfying balance of close, mid, and long-range assist. That gives the player a fighting chance no matter how close they get to the fight. This part’s crowning, feature, however, is its significant reduction of missile lock time. Minimizing downtime between locks means maximizing DPS and Impact.
Generator – VP-20S

The VP-20S plays an important role in the success of the best tetra build. Staying airborne doesn’t come for free, after all. Keeping the AC above its enemies is taxing, and this build needs an AC that can keep up with the player’s strategy. This generator’s reduced weight leaves room for other, heavier gear. That, combined with good stats in all the right places, makes it an easy pick. FromSoftware games are known for their difficulty, and the VP-20S will help get the player through.
Core Expansion – Terminal Armor

The better a player gets at Armored Core 6, the less they will have to rely on Terminal Armor. In the early stages of a pilot’s career, however, Terminal Armor is unquestionably the best core expansion. When the AC drops to 0 AP for the first time, it instead falls to 1 and gains a brief but powerful shield. That said, even veteran players can benefit from this reliable passive. Not having to time one’s deployment of a Core Expansion allows the player to focus on what this build does best: raining missiles from above.
Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon is available now for PC, PlayStation, and