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Latest news, rumors, and more from everything related to Nintendo!
Do you remember the second time you and I met?
An a-peel-ing adventure with the monkey greats
Of course I’m delusional!
He has the biggest butterfingers in the Valley
A new metallic look
Dishonor on you, dishonor on your cow
Get the dragon’s luck
Observers look very concerned
You don’t have to be “drowned” in Tridents to repair them
He’s friend now, maybe
Weird elevator pitch, but okay
A bounty hunter shall lead us to the new era
Eating for two
The plot thickens…
Latest stories
More +The subtle science and exact art of potion-making
The deadliest gambit
Not everything that glitters is gold
Choose your fights wisely
Protect yourself from sunlight and rain with style
A lovely piece for churches and great halls
The art of disarming the enemy
What big teeth you have
Barely fabric