At this moment, we are in the middle of critical astronomical movements. Venus retrograde is dangerously close, the Lunar New Year is almost here, and on February 1st, we have Imbolc, a Celtic holiday celebrating the end of winter. This is a period of new beginnings and purification in the form of changes that may be abrupt. Because of this intense energy, it is expected to feel fear or prefer the comfort of being immobile, but the Tarot thinks differently and sends among all its cards the Two of Swords to guide you.
You will have to decide between many options on this day, which could make you feel restless and tense as uncertainty will be the major energy of the day. Having so many alternatives presenting themselves abruptly will cause some mental saturation, so you should take advantage of the Tarot and the Two of Swords card. This Minor Arcane seems to prompt you to think, reflect, and analyze all your options, but once you are calm, away from the noise in your mind, hear your intuition. Practice listening more often to that sixth sense; this will, in the future, make it easier for you to connect with your intuition without doubting so much.
At this very moment, there will be a lot of confusion in the environment, so you should be even more alert; many people can take advantage of lying and trying to manipulate any situation. Just now that Venus is retrograde, it only speaks more of the transformations in your interpersonal relationships. So, you must also focus on recognizing who a loyal friend or partner is and who might betray you, putting you in a difficult place. Changes are complex, as are relationships with other people; it hurts to make any adjustments, but whenever we let go of something, it is to move forward.
Remember that with the planetary movements and festivities that synchronize this month, you must use the energies and put them to work in your favor. Today’s new moon is for new beginnings, and Aquarius, Mercury, and Pluto will make incredible transformations in your communication. Use them to boost any business dealings. Also, the power of this same Moon, the Lunar New Year, and the energy of February 1st is perfect for manifesting. That plan you made a few days ago or that project you’ve been wanting to accomplish, it’s time to put it on a pin where you’ll see it or remember it all the time. When you least expect it, you will see something new in your way.