Blizzard is officially offering a free trial and discount for Diablo 4 for a week before you buy it. The offer will remain active for the next 7 days for anyone who can play it on Steam. Unfortunately, the same can not be said for the console version of the game.
To access the free trial for Diablo 4, go to the game’s Steam page, and click on the free-to-play option to get limited access to the game. Regardless of when you opt into the trial, the free period will end after seven days on November 28 at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET / 6 pm GMT.
The trial period may be time-limited, but keep in mind, that you will not be able to progress further than level 20 during the free trial period for Diablo 4. But other than that, you will have complete access to the game which includes crossplay, co-op, and more.
Diablo 4 Free Trial On Steam & 40% Discount

Diablo 4 is one of the best games to come out this year, and if you were holding out, now is the best time to give the game a shot. If you do find yourself getting hooked and want to take the plunge, there is more good news. If you buy Diablo 4 during the free trial period, you will get a 40% discount, and all your progress from the trial will be carried over to the full game.
The probable reason for this trial and discount is to get as many players as possible on board the Diablo 4 train before the release of the game’s first expansion, which was recently announced, called Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred. The expansion will introduce a new region called Nahantu, and will include new baddies and other major story additions. The expansion comes out sometime in late 2024, and the pricing is, as of yet, unknown.