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Shabriri seems like a pretty chill dude in Elden Ring, until you speak to him and he suddenly wants to see the Lands Between engulfed in chaos. As it turns out, he’s one of those Frenzied Flame fellas and he’ll gladly watch the world burn, if you’re willing to help. If you do and carry out his quest to the end, you’ll get the Lord of the Frenzied Flame ending. As terrible as that sounds, his quest isn’t all that difficult to complete!
How to Complete Shabriri’s Questline in Elden Ring
[Updated June 21, 2024 – Rewrote and clarified info and added images for clarity.]

Your journey starts on the Mountaintops of the the Giants, specifically at the Zamor Ruins. You’ll pass through those ruins after you exit the Grand Lift of Rold. Stop by the Zamor Ruins site of grace and you’ll come in contact with Shabriri for the first time. Speak with him to get started.
He has a suggestion: meet with and embrace the Three Fingers located under the Erdtree Capital. In typical FromSoftware fashion, he only gives you a vague location. The Three Fingers is near the Cathedral of the Forsaken, just below the the Subterranean Shunning-Grounds.
Fast travel to the Cathedral of the Forsaken site of grace, where you fight Mohg for the first time. Behind the chest in the boss room is an illusionary wall. Hit it, then descend to the very bottom of the new location to find the door to the Three Fingers. Don’t go in yet!

In order to continue Shabriri’s questline in Elden Ring, you have to first remove all your clothes, then step through the door. If you completed Hyetta’s questline, she’ll be nearby and will tell you the same thing. Note: you do not have to complete Hyetta’s questline. However. if you do, Hyetta will award you the Frenzied Flame Seal.
Upon “speaking” with the Three Fingers and accepting their charge, you’ll be given the Flame of Frenzy. Also, if you return to where Shabriri was, he’ll vanish, but leave behind the Ronin’s armor set in his place.
Elden Ring: Shabriri’s Questline Explained

So, what does it all mean? Well, the Three Fingers makes you the host of the Frenzied Flame. You’re now on the path to getting the Lord of the Frenzied Flame ending, as mentioned before. And it’s rather depressing, depending on how you look at it.
Luckily, if you’re having second thoughts about burning down the entire world, you do have a way out using Miquella’s Needle. You’ll have to out of your way to first complete Millicent’s questline, acquire the Unalloyed Gold Needle, then defeat Malenia to turn it into Miquella’s Needle.
With Miquella’s Needle in hand, use it while you’re in Dragonlord Placidusax’s arena at Crumbling Farum Azula and you’ll no longer be the Three Fingers’ host. Keep in mind you can’t reverse your decision yet again!