Team17 and Infinigon Games have announced a partnership on the newly announced game Epic Chef. The game is a culinary life sim coming to PC, with no current release date. This game goes well with some of Team17’s other tasty games, so it’s great to see this partnership in action. Infinigon is a new studio, known for the action-RPG Zenith. To celebrate the partnerships, both teams released a new trailer showing off what you can expect.
Epic Chef puts you in the shoes of new resident Zest in the city of Ambrosia, a city well known for its great chefs and food. As the new guy, you’ll have to take on many chefs from the city in some hectic and enjoyable culinary combat. As a mix of culinary game and life sim, Epic Chef gives you mixes of fast-paced combat and laid back life living in the city. You can farm, forage, and explore the city and take in everything it has to offer. You can even rebuild your home into something worthy of a master chef. With a great story to boot, Epic Chef promises to be a unique game that’ll take gamers by surprise when it releases.
Infinigon Games co-founder Cristian Pastor said “Team17 is the perfect fit to help us deliver our vision for Epic Chef”. “we can’t wait to share this eccentric world with players.”. Team17 appears excited about the partnership as well. “the unique gameplay and the unrelenting humor are right at home with what we strive to achieve at Team17”. We’re excited about both teams, and we hope their efforts flourish when Epic Chef comes to PC.
What are your initial impressions of Epic Chef? Do you think it will go down as a culinary gaming success? Be sure to let us know, and stay tuned at The Nerd Stash for all your news, reviews, and more!