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Chances are, most gamers know at least one character from Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Whether it is due to the huge number of cosplayers showing their love for the cast or the cameos Sephiroth and Cloud have done for other installments, this ensemble is as famous as 2B nowadays. With Rebirth finally here, certain cast members have received a chance to shine even more than in the 90s. That’s why we’ve taken the arduous yet fun task of ranking each playable and non-playable character of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
18. Professor Hojo

Professor Hojo is the one character that, as soon as you see him, you want to punch him in the face. He’s behind most of our characters’ problems and can be a royal pain in the butt when needed. While most of us already hated him in Remake, the moment he appears in Rebirth to ruin everyone’s fun is unforgivable. So yes, he deserves to take the last spot on the list.
17. Rufus Shinra

Hot looks aside, this guy is probably as bad as his father. It might not seem like it, but just get to the Junon part, and you’ll see Rufus’ ego all over the place. What’s worrisome is that the Wutai-Midgar conflict is more prominent in this game. So, the new president firing Junon’s cannon just for giggles wasn’t great and made the company look worse.
16. Chadley

We’ve talked about how the majority of the fan base thinks Chadley is one of the worst characters in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. While some of us don’t share that feeling, we can agree on why he feels like a thorn in one’s side. Many of us just want to explore the world peacefully, and getting interrupted by this former Shinra intern every few minutes can get old. The good news is MIA is there to brighten our day.
15. Dyne

While Dyne isn’t a bad character by any means, it’s heartbreaking how he goes against our dear Barret. His boss fight is fantastic, and we feel his story got expanded much more in Rebirth, but he didn’t have a lot of screen time, hence the spot on the list. One great thing about him is how he steals the show during Corel’s chapter.
14. Elena

Despite being fantastic waifu material, Elena can be a bit annoying with her Turk antics that mimic those of Team Rocket. We love her personality and dedication to her work, but if they aren’t chasing Aerith anymore, let us explore peacefully. When she appears, she’s fantastic, and her boss fight is one of the best. But please, get off our backs for once.
13. Tseng

Oh, Tseng, you’ve stolen the hearts of many ever since you showed up in the game, and you’ll continue to do so. The cold and calculative leader of the Turks has always been a ‘hate-I-love-him-so-much’ type of character. However, there are some things in the game we won’t spoil that might anger more than one player. That’s why you have this spot.
12. Cissnei

There’s a reason why the crowd went wild when Cissnei, and if you played any of the games featuring Zack as a protagonist, you know why. The reason why she’s here is because her story gets expanded, and she becomes one of the most lovable characters in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. She isn’t quite the best yet, but she might reach a higher spot with a bit more screen time.
11. Johnny

Good old Johhny. He was a bit annoying in Remake, but Johnny’s Seaside Inn is the best locale in Costal del Sol. At least due to the experiences we had, not so much due to its facilities. Still, what made him stand out so much is the optional quests you get after Yuffie fizzles a certain jutsu. We won’t spoil it, but we encourage you to try to do some side gigs in Costa del Sol; you won’t regret it.
10. Cait Sith

Caith Sith is an iconic character in the franchise that has appeared in the MMO and is now in Rebirth in all its glory. Of all the original cast, this is the one you’ll meet in the same way, and the reason why we love him is because of his combat capabilities. While the original team is already strong, Caith Sith brings a lot of fun things to the table on top of his trustworthy moogle.
9. Vincent

Like it or not, you’ve had a crush on Vincent Valentine since he was revealed for Rebirth. No one will blame you. He’s the full package. He’s edgy and cool, has a gun, and a great backstory. What else can we ask for? Still, he is back on the list because he isn’t playable, which disappointed many fans. However, that doesn’t mean we won’t control this guy in the future, or so we hope.
8. Cid

Cid is the one character we never get tired of seeing in the series. It doesn’t matter who he is; we always know we’ll have a sidekick who’ll fly us to the ends of the planet to fulfill our mission. Thankfully, that’s kind of what happens in Rebirth, but we won’t spoil it too much. Again, this is the case of another cast member not being playable, at least for now. Still, his antics and attitude are things we can’t get enough of.
7. Sephiroth

It might be weird to see the game’s bad guy so high on the list, but he’s likable whether we like it or not. This time, Rebirth goes deeper into his story and shows why he’s the baddie bent on annoying poor Cloud. The cherry on top is that you can use him as a playable character, at least for a while. While it doesn’t last a lot, the time we spend wielding Masamune is unforgettable.
6. Cloud

It might be sacrilegious not to place Cloud as the best character of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, but we can all agree there are better ones out there. Yes, he’s the poster boy, the one destined to save the world, and so on. However, his personality can be too edgy for some. While it is understandable why he’s that way, it takes a while for him to click with players, especially if they joined the franchise during Remake.
5. Red XIII

Red XIII is a character that blew everyone’s minds in Rebirth, and that’s all we can say without spoiling the ending. While he shines at Cosmo Canyon, he steals the show in places like the Queen’s Blood tournament and with big lore reveals involving Aerith. Undoubtedly, he became one of the best characters in this iteration of the classic game.
4. Aerith

You don’t need to reach the Golden Saucer to fall in love with this girl; she’ll woo you in the first few hours. Aerith is the beacon of light in a steel city. She’s the cheerful lass who brings a smile to everyone’s face despite how hard things are. Her gameplay might not be as engaging as that of other characters, but she’s the best throughout the story in many ways.
3. Barret

Barret is the classic situation of a mountain of muscles with a heart of gold. The moment we realized he was one of the best characters of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth was during Junon’s mission, where you protect a dog as it delivers something. The way he talks about Marlene is fantastic and makes him the ideal father figure. Besides, as a playable character, he can be a tank or one of the best DPS party members, so don’t make the mistake of benching him.
2. Tifa

The most reliable and powerful bartender takes the second spot on this list. She’s the mother of the group. Whenever someone has an issue, she’s there to help. Heck, this girl is the only one with enough patience to lead with Cloud, and the last part of this trilogy will show this even more, or so we hope. Besides that, using her as a playable character is amazing and it might be difficult to see a party composition without her.
1. Yuffie

We know it is strange to see Yuffie as the best character of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, but we have a few opinions to back it up. First, her gameplay. She has such an original combat style that caters to ranged and melee attackers. Besides, her entrance is one of the best sequences in Costa del Sol that crowns her as the number one ninja of Wutai and Midgar. If that wasn’t enough, her unhinged attitude is the best, and watching her make Barret lose his cool is a delight.
Undoubtedly, the cast of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is one of the best we’ve seen in gaming. The way they interact with each other makes the protagonists shine even more than in the OG installment. We even liked seeing villains and NPCs get more screen time, and thankfully, there’s still one more game to feature most of them again.