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In the latest 3.2 Genshin Impact update, a new weekly boss event was introduced. The first weekly boss that we’ll be able to find and defeat is Scaramouche. However, it may seem like a pain to take part in an event like this, where you will have to go up against an overpowered boss, but it’s worth it. Scaramouche drops items that are required to level up certain characters’ talents in Genshin Impact. Keep reading to learn how you can unlock the Scaramouche weekly Genshin Impact boss and how you can defeat him.
How to Unlock Genshin Impact Weekly Boss, Scaramouche

Unlocking Scaramouche is similar to unlocking other bosses in Genshin Impact. You’ll have to work your way through cutscenes, combat, and quests before you can get to the boss himself for your final battle. I’ll go over the specifics a bit more below.
To reach Scaramouche, or “Shouki no Kami, the Prodigal” as he calls himself, you’ll have to make it a decent way through the Archon Quest chapters. You will have to complete Chapter III, Act V: Akasha Pulses, the Kalpa Flame Rises. This, in turn, means you will have had to complete Act I through Act IV and surpass Adventure Rank 35. That will definitely take you a bit of time to complete. So, be ready to dedicate yourself to Genshin Impact for a little while.
How to Defeat the Scaramouche in Genshin Impact
The final fight against Scaramouche will happen in two phases.
Phase One
In this phase, you’re going to face Scaramouche head-on. There will be a green thing that floats around you during the fight. It’s called the Neo Akasha Terminal, and you’ll have to charge it up. This can be done by collecting the Energy Blocks that Scaramouche drops. Filling up the Neo Akasha Terminal completed allows you to use the tiles in front of the boss with special effects. These tiles are called Elemental Matrixes.
Now onto Phase Two of the Genshin Impact Scaramouche battle.
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Phase Two
In the second phase of this fight, Scaramouche will be protected by a shield and will also be able to teleport around the map. You’ll have to take down the shield using your Neo Akasha Terminal. You’ll have to keep it charged by breaking structures around the room, all while the Neo Akasha Terminal automatically fires at Scaramouche for you. Once your energy gauge is full, attack Scaramouche with a charged attack to lower his shield.
Scaramouche will then summon the Nirvana Engine. You’ll have to destroy it so that you can open up Scaramouche and make him vulnerable to attacks. Using the Grappling Hooks, you can get to the platform below Scaramouche and deliver the final blow.
You will be able to collect Puppet Strings, Mirror of Mushin, and Dana’s bell when Scaramouche falls.
That’s everything you need to know to unlock, find, and defeat the Genshin Impact Scaramouche weekly boss. Good luck, and check back for more guides!