Who wouldn’t want to be friends with a hideous rock monster? Getting the Titan on your side as a summon gives you a powerful battle aid in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Unfortunately, summons in this series rarely give up without a fight. You’ll need to best the Titan in combat before you earn its summon Materia, and that can be tough if you’re fighting it at full strength. Take advantage of the three Titan Crystals, however, and this fight becomes much easier. Whether you want to take this boss down the easy way or prove yourself against the Full Might version, here’s how to beat Titan in FF7 Rebirth.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Titan Guide

As the first summon boss you’ll face, Titan is no pushover. Like Dyne, however, he has several weaknesses. The first is available before the fight even begins: Summon Crystals. FF7 Rebirth allows you to collect crystals in the Grasslands to weaken the Titan and make him easier to beat before you even set foot in the boss’s chamber. Here’s where you can find the crystals:
Crystal | Location |
First Crystal | On the far eastern side of the Grasslands, near the Moogle Hut and Chocobo Ranch. |
Second Crystal | In the swamp in the southern portion of the Grasslands. You’ll need a Chocobo to access this area. |
Third Crystal | In the desert to the northwest, near the Mako Pipeline Maintenance Warehouse. |
Weakening the Titan by finding and analyzing the crystals is optional, but there’s no reason not to unless you’re looking for a challenge. Titan’s only elemental weakness is Wind, so make sure your party members are equipped with Wind Materia and ready to lay down a barrage of Aero spells. The Titan resists Fire, Ice, and Thunder, so don’t rely on them.
Titan Tips in FF7 Rebirth
Once the fight begins, your priority is to force the Titan into the Pressured state and then Stagger him. The easiest way to do so is with a combination of Wind spells and normal attacks. Having Aerith or another party member ready with Healing Material is also wise because Titan can dish out significant damage with a variety of close-range attacks. You’ll need your best weapons and high DPS for this fight.
Once you’ve damaged Titan enough, it will enter its second phase, raising an Earthen Aegies shield. Hammer away at it until the shield dissipates. You won’t do much damage with it up. Destroying the shield will also extend the duration of its Pressured state, making it easier to Stagger. Titan’s most dangerous ability, however, is Granite Shell. When you see him crouching to charge it, interrupt him with Wind spells, otherwise one of your party members is in for big damage. Keep up the assault, and Titan’s summon Materia will be yours.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is available for PlayStation 5.