The Sims 4 has an enormous amount of customization options available to players. In fact, you could say that’s the entire point of the game. From houses to people to even social relationships, nothing in The Sims 4 is truly outside a player’s grasp. Of course, clothes are no exception to this rule, but one thing that’s harder to change about your sim’s wardrobe is their career outfit. If you want to change what your sim wears to work, then look no further than the cheat console and our guidance, which will explain how to use the “change career outfits” cheat in The Sims 4.
How To Use the Change Career Outfits Cheat in The Sims 4

First, to use the career outfits cheats, you need to make sure you have cheats enabled in The Sims 4. Enabling cheats is simple and easy; all you have to do is:
- Press Ctrl+Shift+C on PC
- Press Command+Shift+C on Mac
- Press all four shoulder buttons on PS4/PS5
- Press all four shoulder buttons on
After you do this, you’ll see the cheat console appear as a white text box in the upper-left corner of your screen. In this box, you’ll first need to type in testingcheats true in order to enable cheats in The Sims 4. If you’ve entered the text correctly, you should get a message saying that cheats have been enabled. Now you can go absolutely wild with cheats, but we’ll focus on the “change career outfits” cheat.

To access the “change career outfits” cheat in The Sims 4, select the sim whose outfit you want to change, then go to the cheat console and type sims.modify_career_outfit_in_cas. The cheat will take you into Create-A-Sim mode with the selected sim wearing their career outfit. From here, you can customize your sim’s career outfit however you’d like. Whatever changes you make will remain every time your sim changes into their career outfit.
An important thing to consider when modifying your sim’s career outfit is that career outfits in The Sims 4 cannot be changed without cheats. This means that the career outfit isn’t editable in normal CAS mode, and any changes you make to your sim’s other outfits, like formal, athletic, or sleepwear, won’t transfer over.

Once you’re done editing your sim’s career outfit, remember to save your changes, then exit CAS, and you’re done! Now you know how to change a sim’s career outfit if you’re not pleased with what their career came with. The cheat will work on any employed sim in your household.
The Sims 4 is currently available on PC, PlayStation, and