While enjoying the unhurried life in Stardew Valley, you can build the farm of your dreams and grow whatever you want. However, you still need to earn Gold to build new structures, buy animals, and the like. And one of the best ways to make money, available almost from the beginning of the game, is Artisan Goods. You can produce them in Stardew Valley using certain equipment such as a Preserves Jar. But first, you must unlock and craft these Jars.
How To Craft the Preserves Jar

At first, you may think that selling your harvested crops is a good business. But this is only for the early game, and soon, you will start looking for other ways to earn more Gold. At this point, you should pay attention to the Preserves Jar in Stardew Valley.
Players will get one Preserves Jar as a reward after completing the Quality Crops Bundle. But of course, this is not enough, so reach Farming Level 4 to unlock the Preserves Jar crafting recipe:
- 50 Wood
- 40 stone
- 8 Coal
These materials are quite easy to find even in the early stages of the game, so you can easily set up the production of Artisan Goods. And the coolest thing is that you can earn a lot of Gold from this.
How To Use a Preserves Jar in Stardew Valley
Preserves Jar can turn your crops into Artisan Goods in Stardew Valley:
- Vegetables become Pickles.
- Fruits become Jelly.
- Sturgeon Roe becomes Caviar.
- Roe becomes respectively Aged Roe.
And although Artisan Goods cost more than basic crops, you shouldn’t use high-quality products. The price of finished Artisan Goods is calculated from the base cost. For your convenience, you can use this table:
Artisan Goods | Ingredients | Required Time | Cost |
Pickles | Ginger or Vegetable | 2-3 days | 2 × BasePrice + 50 |
Jelly | Fruit | 2-3 days | 2 × Base Price + 50 |
Aged Roe | Roe | 2-3 days | 2 × Base Price + 50 |
Caviar | Sturgeon Roe | 4 days | 500 Gold |
That’s all you need to know about how to get and use Preserves Jar in Stardew Valley. It is a great way to turn your crops into Gold, so we recommend you craft some Preserves Jars as soon as you have the extra materials.
If you’d like to know whether a product is better used with a Keg or Preserves Jar, check out this video by GamerGar: