The next champion to come to League of Legends and the Summoner’s Rift will be, according to multiple sources, a game changer. Literally. The lead producer of champions within the game, Ryan “REAV3” Mireles has given us some information on the new champion, but still enough to get us all excited. According to Mireles, the next champion “has been infesting my mind lately.” Could this mean that the new champ will have mind infesting abilities, ones that fear the enemy team (something like Warwick)? He also stated that there’ll also be transforming abilities comparable to Gnar’s, but Mireles maintains that it’ll be nothing like we’ve seen before.
There was a teaser image released with the news that this new champion would be coming soon. The eye, seen below, seems a bit mysterious, but one can imagine that the next champion will hail from the Void, the home to champions such as Kha’Zix, Vel’Koz, Kassadin, and more. The Void has always been an intriguing region in the League of Legends universe, and there hasn’t been a champion released by Riot from there since Vel’Koz back in 2014. Taking this into consideration, I believe that the next champ will be from the Void. Maybe a distant relative to Vel’Koz (the eye speaks for itself)? More information on the new champ will be coming soon.
In other news, before this new champion is playable in League of Legends, there’ll be a variety of updates for Urgot, Aatrox, and Evelynn. There hasn’t been any solid information on what these updates will imply for these champions, but, from what it looks like within the post explaining these releases, the first one to become playable will be Urgot. Evelynn will most likely be the last of the three, while Aatrox somewhere in the middle. Aatrox’s update, according to Mireles, “will likely be the largest pure gameplay update we have ever done on a champion, with every single ability being evaluated and updated.” These updates don’t mean that the new champ won’t be released until the three revamped champs are out, but that it may be some time before we see this mysterious eye infest our minds as well.