If you’re looking to craft a Conduit for your underwater base in Minecraft, you’ll need a Heart of the Sea, a rarity only found in Buried Treasure chests. These special chests generally spawn in beach biomes, but that doesn’t mean you should start digging about the sands aimlessly for booty. You’ll need a Buried Treasure Map, a unique Explorer Map that isn’t sold by cartographers but only found in two oceanic structures — Ocean Ruins and Shipwrecks.
How To Get a Buried Treasure Map in Minecraft

Not to be confused with the massive Ocean Monuments, Ocean Ruins are rather noticeable structures that generate in ocean biomes and sometimes on beaches; Shipwrecks appear in the same biomes. One of the easiest ways to find these two structures is by sipping a Potion of Night Vision before exploring the seas. The potion’s effect makes the layout and structures hidden beneath the water’s surface much more visible.
Ocean Ruins and Shipwrecks should contain a chest that has a chance to spawn a Buried Treasure Map. I found a map after exploring the fourth Ocean Ruin I encountered in my (random seed) world. Your mileage will vary, but loot the chests of these two oceanic structures, and you’re bound to find a map eventually.

With a Minecraft Buried Treasure Map now in hand, your goal is to figure out where “X marks the spot.” To do this, travel about until the white dot on the map, your position, becomes larger, indicating you’re closing in on the map’s location. Once the paper begins to generate color and your dot turns into a pointed trapezoid, you’ll know you’re close.

Once you reach the Buried Treasure’s location in Minecraft, your objective is to excavate until you discover the chest. A Heart of the Sea is a guaranteed item you’ll get, while the following below are other possible valuables among your booty:
- Gold & Iron Ingots
- Cooked Cod & Salmon
- Potion of Water Breathing
- Prismarine Crystals
- Emeralds
- Diamonds
- Iron Sword
- Leather Tunic