Your choice of crafting material determines more than whether your humble home can withstand a Creeper blast. High-tier materials such as Diamond grant better bonuses. In the case of armor, that means staying alive much longer. Mojang gave us many ways to protect ourselves from angry mobs, and Netherite is one of the best. It’s a relatively rare resource but worth the risk of venturing deep into the Nether to get it. Whether you’re locked in PvP or fighting the Ender Dragon, you can’t go wrong with Netherite. Here’s where to look for and how to find Netherite in Minecraft.
Where to Find Netherite
(Updated on July 29, 2024 – updated images and guide steps)

If its name didn’t give it away, Netherite can only be found in the Nether, specifically at Y-levels 8 to 22. Y-level 15 has the highest probability of spawning Ancient Debris, the block that you can smelt into Netherite Scraps (and then further smelt into ingots). Here are some hints to track it down:
- You need a Diamond or Netherite Pickaxe to mine it
- Ancient Debris never spawns exposed to the air
- Be careful, because it’s easy to fill your tunnel with lava by accident while mining
- You can turn coordinates on under game settings by toggling “Show Coordinates”
Mining isn’t the only way to get your hands on Netherite. The Ancient Debris, Netherite Scraps, and Netherite Ingots you’re seeking also appear within treasure chests within Bastion Remnants. These structures appear in every Nether biome except Basalt Deltas, so it shouldn’t take long to find them. You can look for these in Hoglin Stable variant chests as well as the Treasure Room variants, so keep an eye out to win the wealth for yourself. Once you’ve found some Netherite Scraps (4 per ingot), you can use a Smithing Table to upgrade your Diamond Armor. Break through that, Creepers!