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Are you looking for a complete list of Towers and a guide on how to build them in Minecraft Legends? Dive into the gameplay of Minecraft Legends, and you will get a completely new gameplay experience because, in addition to several game modes and an exciting campaign story, you will get to know many unique mechanics. Unlike the original Minecraft (Sandbox) or Minecraft Dungeons (RPG), Minecraft Legends shows a new tower defense-style gameplay. Towers in Minecraft Legends form the basis of your combat power, so our guide is here to acquaint you with the list of military buildings and their features.
All Towers List in Minecraft Legends

First of all, it is worth noting that there are four towers in the game, including three attacking and one defensive:
- Blast Tower
- Frost Tower
- Stun Tower
- Protector Tower
All four tower types are available in both Campaign and Versus Mode. The only difference is that you need to find all the towers in Campaign mode before you can build them. At the same time, in Versus Mode, you can create them right away. In addition, many auxiliary buildings in the game have a protective, buffing, or distracting function. However, you only need to collect a few materials to build them, which we cannot say about Towers.
To use towers, and in particular, to do it effectively, you need to know about the abilities of each of them.
Blast Tower
- Cost: 600 Stone + 400 Diamond
- Required: Improvement: Build Power Towers
The Blast Tower is an offensive building. Its projectiles attack groups of enemies at long range, knocking them back. In addition, creatures take quite a lot of damage from each projectile. This one can function without other towers but is much more effective when paired with other buildings.
Frost Tower
- Cost: 600 Stone + 400 Coal
- Required: Improvement: Build Power Towers
As the tower’s name suggests, its projectiles freeze groups of enemies, dealing minor damage and stopping any enemy for a short time. This tower has the longest cooldown, so we recommend using it with another Frost Tower nearby or building Walls and a Protector Tower.
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Stun Tower
- Cost: 600 Stone + 400 Redstone
- Required: Improvement: Build Power Towers
Using the Stun Tower, you can stun enemies for a short time. But unlike Frost Tower, Stun Tower has a shorter cooldown and can attack around it. The sound of the bell strike causes enemies to freeze in place. Often you don’t want to build too many of these towers.
Protector Tower
- Cost: 450 Stone + 200 Iron
Unlike previous Towers, you do not need to build Improvement: Build Power Towers to place a Protector Tower. In addition, the cost of creation is slightly lower than the rest.
The main goal of the Protector Tower is to destroy large projectiles flying from enemy towers. It is air defense and is an indispensable building in the war with Piglin.
How to Build Towers in Minecraft Legends

As you may have guessed, you must collect the necessary materials and use your yellow Allays to build Towers in Minecraft Legends. Also, for Blast, Frost, and Stun Tower, you must create Improvement: Build Power Towers before starting construction. To do this, you must create an Improvement Hub using Prismarine (obtained by killing Piglins). After that, using the Improvement Hub, craft and place Improvement: Build Power Towers. And if you’re playing Campaigns, you’ll also have to find all types of towers in the open world before you can build them.
Also, your towers will be attacked and destroyed during the battle. You can repair them by collecting enough base building resources for that tower (Iron, Redstone, Diamond, Coal). After that, you can select the tower and order your Allays to repair it.
Minecraft Legends is available on PC, PS4-5,