The critically acclaimed narrative survival game is making its way onto the PlayStation 4. Pathologic 2 will release in early March on the PlayStation Store.
Pathologic 2 is both a sequel and a remake of the first Pathologic, first released in 2005. Developer Ice-Pick Lodge also released a remaster of the original game for PC.
Pathologic 2 Hits PS4 March 6
In the game, you play as Haruspex, a doctor who has arrived back in his hometown that is experiencing a bizarre plague. After being attacked, Haruspex must uncover the mysteries of the town while trying to stop the plague.
As you progress, you will explore the town and fight enemies that try and stop you. You must also finish missions every day to stop the plague from killing more of the townspeople.
Technically this is one-third of the original game, which had you play as two other characters besides Haruspex. Each character would have different means of interacting with the world and result in different outcomes.
In terms of survival sims, Pathologic 2 is on the more extreme end of the spectrum. You must obtain food and medicine to survive, and fight enemies in janky ways.
However, while other games can feel poorly made, there is an intentional design in Pathologic 2 that builds into the atmosphere and story. Every aspect of the game creates a mood and tension not seen in most mainstream video games.
Pathologic 2 will release on the PlayStation Store on March 6. Given that the game is available on Steam and Xbox One for $34.99, it is safe to assume that the price will be the same for PS4 as well.
For most players, Pathologic 2 will seem like too intense, but give in to the systems and will create moments unlike any other. It is also available to play through
To learn more about Pathologic 2 and more games coming to the PlayStation Store in March, go to