Update 232 for Payday 2 has arrived, and here are all the changes and improvements mentioned in the patch notes. The update brings some general bug fixes alongside balance changes to some weapons as well as some heists. Here is the complete list of patch notes for update 232 for Payday 2:
Payday 2 Update 232 Patch Notes
- Fixed an issue where NPC husks would speed up when unnecessarily, and sometimes with a separate speed boost.
- Fixed an issue of where the basilisk V3 GL had the wrong damage number displayed.
- Fixed an issue of where the Maxim9 lasers were misaligned in akimbo
- Fixed an issue of where cavity rear sight disappear if you buy it and restart the game
- Fixed an issue where Vulcan minigun could have missing parts when viewed in the Safe house
- Fixed an issue of where the Medved suppressor could cause issues with skins on akimbo weapons
- Fixed a spot where players climbing on bookshelves & doors creates a safe spot against cloakers on Branch Bank.
- Fixed an issue where there were missing collisions to gain access to out of bound rooms on Brooklyn 10-10.
- Fixed an issue where team AI can take cover on top of a box on Henry’s Rock.
- Fixed a spot where players could be invincible on Alaskan deal.
- Fixed an issue where sentries could be used to trouble enemy AI to behave properly on Birth of Sky.
- Fixed a spot where players could be invincible on the Safehouse Raid.
- Fixed an issue of where players could get stuck between crates on Shadow Raid.
[i]Note: We’re still working on fixes for the following:
- Carrying bags while playing the event mode in VR may cause crashes.
- The HE-buff from destroying packages currently doesn’t work for shotguns.
Update 232 for Payday 2 is available on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4,