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This year’s Pokemon Go Fest Global is all about the Ultra Beasts, and you’ll face off against a handful of them in 5-star Raids. The 1-star and 3-star Raids consist of shiny hunts, so your energy is better spent prepping for the 5-star Raids. You’ll need your best Pokemon Go pocket monsters to handle the job. It all starts by learning how to counter each of these powerful Pokemon.
Pokemon Go Fest 5-Star Raid Encounters
If you plan to jump into the 5-star Raids in the Pokemon Go Fest Global, you can encounter the following Ultra Beasts:
- Nihilego
- Buzzwole
- Pheromosa
- Xurkitree
- Celesteela
- Kartana
- Guzzlord
Another 5-star Raid battle you can jump into is with the newest pocket monster: Necrozma. It’s a Legendary Pokemon though, unlike the Ultra Beasts above, but it’s no less powerful.
Nihilego Counters

In Pokemon Go, the Rock/Poison-type Ultra Beast Nihilego features a high CP (about 2,256 non-weather boosted) and a damaging moveset. Take a look at its abilities:
Fast Moves | Charged Moves |
Acid (Poison) | Gunk Shot (Poison) |
Poison Jab (Poison) | Power Gem (Rock) |
Pound (Normal) | Rock Slide (Rock) |
Sludge Bomb (Poison) |
But Nihilego has natural weaknesses to Ground, Steel, Water, and Psychic-type moves with Ground rating the highest. That gives you some wiggle room when setting up your attack party, but you’ll need Pokemon strong enough to take the Ultra Beast down quickly in the Go Fest Raids. Some of the best Pokemon to counter Nihilego include:
- Garchomp (Dragon/Ground): Mud Shot (Ground – Fast) | Earth Power (Ground – Charged)
- Groudon (Ground): Mud Shot (Ground – Fast) | Earthquake (Ground – Charged) or Precipice Blades (Ground – Charged | Elite TM move)
- Excadrill (Ground/Steel): Mud-Slap (Ground – Fast) | Drill Run or Earthquake (Ground – Charged)
- Landorous (Ground/Flying): Mud Shot (Ground – Fast) | Earth Power (Ground – Charged)
Garchomp is one of the best up against Nihilego in a 5-star Raid. Not only does it come out swinging hard, but it has high resistance against both Poison and Rock-type attacks. Others like Excadrill also resist Nihilego’s go-to abilities but to a lesser extent.
Buzzwole Counters

Buzzwole is one of the few Pokemon that’s hit the gym one too many times to get “swol.” In the Pokemon Go Fest Global Raids, it’s one of the most intimidating-looking Ultra Beasts. If the Bug/Fighting-type is weather-boosted, it can get as high as 2472 CP. Expect it to have the following abilities:
Fast Moves | Charged Moves |
Counter (Fighting) | Fell Stinger (Bug) |
Poison Jab (Poison) | Lunge (Bug) |
Power-Up Punch (Fighting) | |
Superpower (Fighting) |
On the other side of the fence, you can damage it using Flying, Fire, Psychic, and Fairy attacks. Flying-type causes the highest injury to Buzzwole. These Pokemon can get you through the Raid battle with minimal (or zero) losses:
- Rayquaza (Dragon/Flying): Air Slash (Flying – Fast) | Aerial Ace (Flying – Charged), Hurricane (Flying – Charged Elite TM), or Dragon Ascent (Flying – Charged Meteorite)
- Staraptor (Normal/Flying): Gust (Flying – Fast Elite TM) or Wing Attack (Flying – Fast) | Brave Bird (Flying – Charged)
- Moltres (Fire/Flying): Wing Attack (Flying – Fast) | Sky Attack (Flying – Charged Elite TM)
- Ho-Oh (Fire/Flying): Incinerate (Fire – Fast) or Extrasensory (Psychic – Fast) | Brave Bird (Flying – Charged) or Fire Blast (Fire – Charged)
If you can Mega Evolve Rayquaza, do so promptly before the Raid. It will cause much greater damage, and possibly make it your main to defeat the Ultra Beast Buzzwole in Pokemon Go.
Pheromosa Ultra Beast Counters

With its thin frame, Pheromosa looks like it can blow away in a light wind storm. Don’t let that fool you though. The Bug/Fighting-type is anything but dainty, and it’s backed by a possible weather-boosted CP of up to 2030. It comes with these possible knockout moves:
Fast Moves | Charged Moves |
Bug Bite (Bug) | Bug Buzz (Bug) |
Low Kick (Fighting) | Close Combat (Fighting) |
Focus Blast (Fighting) | |
Lunge (Bug) |
You’ll need pocket monsters with Flying, Fire, Psychic, or Fairy-type moves to defeat this Ultra Beast in the Pokemon Go Fest Global Raids. Flying deals an excessive amount of damage, so you may use a similar setup here that you would against Buzzwole:
- Rayquaza (Dragon/Flying): Air Slash (Flying – Fast) | Aerial Ace (Flying – Charged), Hurricane (Flying – Charged Elite TM), or Dragon Ascent (Flying – Charged Meteorite)
- Staraptor (Normal/Flying): Gust (Flying – Fast Elite TM) or Wing Attack (Flying – Fast) | Brave Bird (Flying – Charged)
- Salamence (Dragon/Flying): Fire Fang (Fire – Fast) | Fly (Flying – Charged)
- Moltres (Fire/Flying): Wing Attack (Flying – Fast) | Sky Attack (Flying – Charged Elite TM)
Again: using a Mega Evolved Rayquaza comes in handy in this fight. On the other hand, a shadow-variant of Salamence, Moltres, or Staraptor can cause incredible damage thanks to the attack boost.
Xurkitree Ultra Beast Counters

An Electric-type Ultra Beast, Xurkitree is straightforward in battle for the most part. The surprise comes with two of its moves as it branches into Fairy and Grass areas, giving it just enough diversity to target more of your pocket monsters.
Fast Moves | Charged Moves |
Spark (Electric) | Dazzling Gleam (Fairy) |
Thunder Shock (Electric) | Discharge (Electric) |
Power Whip (Grass) | |
Thunder (Electric) |
Finding a way to counter Xurkitree is simple, thanks to it being Electric. All you need are powerful Ground-type Pokemonto deal damage. These are considered solid contenders in a Raid Pokemon Go battle against the Ultra Beast:
- Groudon (Ground-type): Mud Shot (Ground – Fast) | Earthquake (Ground – Charged) or Precipice Blades (Ground – Charged Elite TM)
- Landorus (Ground/Flying-type): Mud Shot (Ground – Fast) | Earth Power (Ground – Charged)
- Mamoswine (Ice/Ground-type): Mud-Slap (Ground – Fast) | Bulldoze or High Horsepower (Ground – Charged)
- Garchomp (Dragon/Ground): Mud Shot (Ground – Fast) | Earth Power (Ground – Charged)
The battle doesn’t seem impossible to win when you can take good advantage of an Ultra Beast’s weakness. That doesn’t mean you should relax, as a few good hits can do your Pokemon in before you realize it.
Celesteela Counters

Celesteela is a tough opponent to crack. The Steel/Flying-type Ultra Beast boasts resistance to numerous types in Pokemon Go. On the attack side, it can combine different types to tear you down.
Fast Moves | Charged Moves |
Air Slash (Flying) | Body Slam (Normal) |
Smack Down (Rock) | Bulldoze (Ground) |
Heavy Slam (Steel) | |
Iron Head (Steel) |
Although it’s resistant to several types, Celesteela can receive good damage from Fire and Electric-type moves. Some of the best Pokemon for the job are a nice mixture of the two:
- Reshiram (Dragon/Fire): Fire Fang (Fire – Fast) | Fusion Flare (Fire – Charged Elite TM)
- Zekrom (Dragon/Electric): Charge Beam (Electric – Fast) | Fusion Bolt (Electric – Charged Elite TM)
- Darmantarian Standard (Fire): Fire Fang (Fire – Fast) | Overheat (Fire – Charged)
- Xurkitree (Electric): Thunder Shock (Electric – Fast) | Discharge (Electric – Charged)
It pays to use one Ultra Beast against the other in the Pokemon Go Raids. In this case, Xurkitree becomes one of your best weapons if you can catch it before hopping into the Celesteela Raids.
Kartana Ultra Beast Counters

Grass may not be the strongest type, but Kartana gains more advantages from being a dual-type: Grass/Steel. It has a pretty comfortable moveset too.
Fast Moves | Charged Moves |
Air Slash (Flying) | Aerial Ace (Flying) |
Razor Leaf (Grass) | Leaf Blade (Grass) |
Night Slash (Dark) | |
X-Scissor (Bug) |
Kartana resists numerous pocket monsters in Pokemon Go, but the Ultra Beast is still vulnerable to Fighting and Fire-type moves. A heavier focus should be on Fire as that does the greatest damage. If you have these pocket monsters, bring them to the party:
- Chandelure (Ghost/Fire): Incinerate (Fire – Fast) | Overheat (Fire – Charged)
- Darmantarian Standard (Fire): Fire Fang (Fire – Fast) | Overheat (Fire – Charged)
- Reshiram (Dragon/Fire): Fire Fang (Fire – Fast) | Fusion Flare (Fire – Charged Elite TM)
- Charizard Mega (Fire/Flying): Fire Spin (Fire – Fast) | Blast Burn (Fire – Charged Elite TM)
Either Charizard Mega X or Mega Y can come in clutch during a Raid against Kartana. But you can bring up close to the same party as you use against Celesteela too.
Guzzlord Counters

Guzzlord is certainly a hefty beast who looks as hungry as its name sounds. The Dark/Dragon-type comes with a max CP of 2062 when weather-boosted and features these abilities:
Fast Moves | Charged Moves |
Dragon Tail (Dragon) | Brutal Swing (Dark) |
Snarl (Dark) | Crunch (Dark) |
Dragon Claw (Dragon) | |
Sludge Bomb (Poison) |
Although Guzzlord can wipe an unprepared party, it does have numerous weaknesses you can exploit. Use Fairy, Fire, Bug, Ice, and Dragon-type moves against it. Fairy is especially potent. These pocket monsters can hold their own quite well:
- Gardevoir (Psychic/Fairy): Charm (Fairy – Fast) | Dazzling Gleam (Fairy – Charged)
- Rapidash Galarian (Psychic/Fairy): Fairy Wind (Fairy – Fast) | Play Rough (Fairy – Charged)
- Togekiss (Fairy/Flying): Charm (Fairy – Fast) | Dazzling Gleam (Fairy – Charged)
- Granbull (Fairy): Charm (Fairy – Fast) | Play Rough (Fairy – Charged)
If you can Mega Evolve Gardevoir, you’ll have an easy time against Guzzlord. Even a shadow variant can lay out high damage.
Necrozma Counters

Pokemon Go Fest used the opportunity to introduce the Legendary Necrozma, and like its Ultra Beast companions, it’s a tough Raid to handle. Its moveset is impressive enough, but if you catch one and manage to fuse it, you can enjoy a host of powerful abilities.
Fast Moves | Charged Moves |
Metal Claw (Steel) | Dark Pulse (Dark) |
Psycho Cut (Psychic) | Future Sight (Psychic) |
Shadow Claw (Ghost) | Iron Head (Steel) |
Outrage (Dragon) | |
Sunsteel Strike (Steel | Exclusive to Dusk Mane variant) | |
Moongeist Beam (Ghost | Exclusive to Dawn Wings variant) |
To counter Necrozma, focus on its weaknesses: Bug, Ghost, and Dark. It’s equally vulnerable to all three, so you can choose any of the strongest Pokemon in your Pokedex to handle it:
- Gengar (Ghost/Poison): Lick (Ghost – Fast Elite TM) or Shadow Claw (Ghost – Fast) | Shadow Ball (Ghost – Charged)
- Tyranitar (Rock/Dark): Bite (Dark – Fast) | Brutal Swing (Dark – Charged)
- Chandelure (Ghost/Fire): Hex (Ghost – Fast) | Shadow Ball (Ghost – Charged)
- Pheromosa (Bug/Fighting): Bug Bite (Bug – Fast) | Bug Buzz (Bug – Charged)
Yet again, another Ultra Beast can help you come out on top in the Raids. But even a solid Gengar, especially if Mega or shadow variant, can lay out serious damage. Just take care as it is also vulnerable to Necrozma’s Psychic moves.
Hopefully, you have a well-rounded group of pocket monsters ready to tackle the intense Raids this Pokemon Go Fest Global, from the Ultra Beasts to the new Legendary. Go in as a team for an even stronger chance, and you’ll catch all these incredible Pokemon in no time.