There are a lot of great fishing rods in Roblox Fisch, one of which is the Sunken Rod. Stat-wise, the Sunken Rod is in the top half of the best fishing rods in the game. Its Lure Speed is pretty fast, a very high Luck stat, and decent Resilience and Control. Even the Max Kg is nothing to sneeze at. However, getting your hands on the Sunken Rod in Fisch is a bit of a pain.
How to Get the Sunken Rod in Roblox Fisch

Getting the Sunken Rod is intrinsically tied to Treasure Maps and Treasure Chests in Roblox Fisch. Unlike some of the fishing rods you buy, the Sunken Rod is obtained from opening Treasure Chests, which you only find from Treasure Maps.
But here’s the kicker: there’s about a 1.6% chance of Treasure Chests actually having the Sunken Rod. To make matters worse, Treasure Maps are even more rare, at around 1/160 chance. It’s all a matter of getting very, very lucky, but there’s a method you can work with.
Since the Luck stat doesn’t affect the odds of pulling up Treasure Maps, the Lure Speed stat certainly will in an indirect way. It works like this: if you increase the speed in which you reel in fish, then you increase the number of times you roll the dice. It’s all about speed, so try one of these fishing rods:
- Fast Rod
- Rapid Rod
- Midas Rod
- Phoenix Rod
Now, those are just the easiest to obtain, especially the Fast Rod and Rapid Rod. There are numerous fishing rods that are better, like the Rod of the Depths, but it’s expensive and better than the Sunken Rod. Unless you’re just trying to collect all the rods, stick to the cheaper ones.
Of course, you’ll also need proper equipment, specifically the GPS and Basic Diving Gear. Both can picked up on Moosewood Island for $100 and $3000, respectively.
Personally, I like fishing for Treasure Maps on the Forsaken Shores. There’s a pond just pass the docks that has Captain’s Goldfish. It’s an easy way to grind experience while I’m looking for maps. And since Jack Marrow is also on the Forsaken Shores, he can fix my Treasure Maps right away.