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Exploring the vast world of Starfield is exciting, but sometimes, you just want to have some fun. The kind of fun you get from spawning overpowered weapons and jamming them full of attachments or mods. That’s where console command cheats come in handy! To use those cheats, you will need to know the ID of the items first. To help you out, this guide will list all known Weapons, Ammo, and Weapon Mod IDs in Starfield. Note: Console command cheat codes can only be used on the PC version of Starfield.
Table of contents:
All Weapon IDs in Starfield
You can drop or add specific weapons and ammo in Starfield by using this console command cheat code IDs:
- Open the console by press the tilde (~) key
- Type in “player.placeatme (Item ID) (quantity)” without quotes
- Example: player.placeatme 0026D965 6
- This will drop six Arc Welders in front of your character
- Or Type in “player.additem (Item ID) (quantity)” without quotes
- Example: player.additem 0026D965 6
- This will add six Arc Welders to your inventory
- Press Enter
Item Name | Item Type | Item ID | Editor ID |
AA-99 | Rifle | 002BF65B | AA99 |
Ace Sidearm | Pistol | TBA | TBA |
Acid Rain | Rifle – Unique | TBA | TBA |
Ambassador | Pistol – Unique | TBA | TBA |
Arc Welder | Heavy Weapon | 0026D965 | ArcWelder |
Asha Tamer | Heavy Weapon | TBA | TBA |
Auto-Rivet | Heavy Weapon | 0026D964 | AutoRivet |
Barrow Knife | Melee Weapon | 0026F181 | BarrowKnife |
Beowulf | Rifle | 0004716C | Beowulf |
Big Bang | Particle Beam Shotgun – Unique | 0026D963 | BigBang |
Boom Boom | Shotgun | TBA | TBA |
Brawler’s Equinox | Laser Rifle | TBA | TBA |
Breach | Shotgun – Unique | 000547A3 | Breach |
Bridger | Heavy Weapon – Unique | 0026D96A | Bridger |
Coachman | Shotgun | 0026D96B | Coachman |
Combat Knife | Melee Weapon | 00035A48 | CombatKnife |
Cryo Mine | Throwable | 00389F34 | CryoMine |
Cutter | Heavy Weapon | 00016758 | Cutter |
Deadeye | Pistol – Unique | TBA | TBA |
Drum Beat | Rifle | 0018DE2C | DrumBeat |
Discarded Sidestar | Pistol | 002F413A | FFNeonZ10_Sidestar |
Ecliptic Pistol | Pistol | 0026D96E | OLD_Ecliptic |
Elegance | Pistol – Unique | TBA | TBA |
Ember | Laser Pistol – Unique | 00295EFC | RI03_Eon_MalaiLiskovaGun |
Eon | Pistol | 000476C4 | Eon |
Equinox | Laser Rifle | 0001BC4F | EquiNOX |
Eternity’s Gate | Particle Beam Rifle | TBA | TBA |
Experiment A-7 | Shotgun | TBA | TBA |
Feather | Rifle – Unique | TBA | TBA |
Fortune’s Glory | TBA | TBA | TBA |
Frag Grenade | Throwable | 000115EF | FragGrenade |
Fragmentation Mine | Throwable | 0004A41A | FragMine |
Fury | Rifle – Unique | TBA | TBA |
Grendel | Rifle | 00028A02 | Grendel |
Hard Target | Rifle – Unique | 00546CC | HardTarget |
Head Ranger | Rifle | TBA | TBA |
Heller’s Cutter | Heavy Weapon – Unique | TBA | TBA |
Hunterwulf | Rifle – Unique | TBA | TBA |
Impact Grenade | Throwable | 0026D89F | ImpactGrenade |
Incendiary Grenade | Throwable | 0026F180 | IncendiaryGrenade |
Inferno Mine | Throwable | 00389F33 | InfernoMine |
Justifier | Rifle | 0026D8A5 | TBA |
Keelhauler | Pistol | TBA | TBA |
Knife | Melee Weapon | TBA | TBA |
Kodama | Rifle | 00253A16 | Kodama |
Kraken | Pistol | 0021FEB4 | Kraken |
Lawgiver | Rifle | 0002D7F4 | Lawgiver |
Maelstrom | Rifle | 002984DF | Maelstrom |
MagShear | Rifle | 0002EB3C | MagShear |
MagPulse | Rifle | 00023606 | MagPulse |
MagShot | Pistol | 0002EB42 | MagShot |
MagSniper | Rifle | 0002EB45 | MagSniper |
MagStorm | Heavy Weapon | 0026035E | MagStorm |
Marksman’s AA-99 | Rifle | TBA | TBA |
Microgun | Heavy Weapon – Unique | 000546CD | Microgun |
Mindtear | Rifle – Unique | TBA | TBA |
N67 Smartgun | Heavy Weapon | TBA | TBA |
Negotiator | Heavy Weapon | 0026D970 | Rocketlauncher |
Novablast Disruptor | Electromagnetic Rifle | 0026D968 | Novablast |
Novalight | Particle Beam Pistol | 0026D967 | Novalight |
Old Earth Assault Rifle | Rifle | 0026ED2A | RussianAssaultRifle |
Old Earth Hunting Rifle | Rifle | 0021BBCD | RussianHuntingRifle |
Old Earth Pistol | Pistol | 0026D96C | M1919 |
Old Earth Shotgun | Shotgun | 00278F74 | pumpshotgun |
Orion | Laser Rifle | 002773C8 | Orion |
Osmium Dagger | Melee | 0026D966 | OsmiumKnife |
Pacifier | Shotgun | 002953F8 | Pacifier |
Particle Grenade | Throwable | 0026D89E | ParticleGrenade |
Peacekeeper | Rifle | TBA | TBA |
Pirate Legend | Rifle – Unique | TBA | TBA |
Poisonstorm | Heavy Weapon – Unique | TBA | TBA |
Power Beat | Rifle – Unique | TBA | TBA |
Radburn | Pistol | TBA | TBA |
Rapidshot | Shotgun | TBA | TBA |
Rattler | Pistol | 00040826 | Rattler |
Razorback | Pistol | 00000FD6 | Razorback |
Reckless Bombardment | Heavy Weapon | TBA | TBA |
Regulator | Pistol | 0002CB5F | Regulator |
Rescue Axe | Melee Weapon | 0004F760 | RescueAxe |
Revenant | Rifle | TBA | TBA |
Ripshank | Melee Weapon | 0026D95E | Gutter |
Shattered Shock | Heavy Weapon | TBA | TBA |
Shotty | Shotgun | 0026D960 | Shotty |
Shrapnel Grenade | Throwable | 0026D89D | ShrapnelGrenade |
Sidestar | Pistol | 0026D95D | Sidestar |
Sir Livingstone’s Pistol | Pistol | TBA | TBA |
Skip Shot Kraken | Pistol | TBA | TBA |
Skip Shot Sidestar | Pistol – Legendary | TBA | TBA |
Solstice | Laser Pistol | 0026D961 | Solstice |
Street Sweeper | Pistol | TBA | TBA |
Stun Mine | Throwable | 0x003C23E3 | SleepGasMine |
Tanto | Melee Weapon | 0026D8A3 | Tanto |
Tempest | Rifle | TBA | TBA |
Tesla Pylon | Throwable | 00389F37 | TeslaMine |
The Buzzcut | Rifle | TBA | TBA |
The Mutineer | Pistol | TBA | TBA |
The Prime | Pistol | TBA | TBA |
The Spacer | Particle Beam Pistol | TBA | TBA |
The Zapper | Pistol – Unique | TBA | TBA |
Tombstone | Rifle | 0002EB36 | Tombstone |
Toxic Gas Mine | Throwable | 003C23E4 | ToxicGasMine |
Trickshot | Pistol | TBA | TBA |
UC Naval Cutlass | Melee Weapon | 0026D8A5 | Cutlass |
Unfair Advantage | Pistol | TBA | TBA |
Unmitigated Violence | Laser Rifle | TBA | TBA |
Urban Eagle | Pistol | 0026D96D | UrbanEagle |
Va’Ruun Inflictor | Particle Beam Rifle | 0026D8A0 | InflictorRifle |
Va’Ruun Painblade | Melee Weapon – Unique | 0026D8A2 | PainBlade |
Va’Ruun Starshard | Particle Beam Pistol | 0026D8A4 | InflictorPistol |
Vampire’s Gift | Rifle | TBA | TBA |
Wakizashi | Melee Weapon | 0026D8A1 | Wakizashi |
X-989 Microgun | Heavy Weapon | TBA | TBA |
XM-2311 | Pistol – Unique | 0024561C | XM2311 |
All Ammo IDs in Starfield
Here’s how to add ammo by using this console command cheat code IDs in Starfield:
- Open the console by press the tilde (~) key
- Type in “player.placeatme (Item ID) (quantity)” without quotes
- Example: player.placeatme 2B558E 100
- This will drop 100 7.5MM Whitehot Rounds in front of your character
- Or Type in “player.additem (Item ID) (quantity)” without quotes
- Example: player.additem 2B558E 100
- This will add 100 7.5MM Whitehot Rounds to your inventory
- Press Enter
Item Name | Item ID |
.27 Caliber | 2B559C |
.43 MI Array | 2B559A |
.43 Ultramag | 2B5599 |
.45 Caliber ACP | 2B5598 |
.50 Caliber Caseless | 2B5597 |
.50 MI Array | 2B5596 |
1.5KV LZR Cartridges | 2BAE3F |
11MM Caseless | 2B5595 |
12.5MM ST Rivet | 2B5594 |
12G Shotgun Shell | 547A1 |
15X25 CLL Shotgun Shell | 2B4AFC |
3KV LZR Cartridge | E8EC |
40MM XPL | 2B5592 |
6.5MM CT | 2B5590 |
6.5MM MI Array | 2B558F |
7.5MM Whitehot | 2B558E |
7.62x39MM | 2B558D |
7.77MM Caseless | 4AD3E |
9x39MM | 2B559B |
Caseless Shotgun Shell | 2B4AFB |
Heavy Particle Fuse | 2B558B |
Light Particle Fuse | 2B558A |
All Weapon Mod/Attachment IDs in Starfield
Adding a weapon mod and modifiers is slightly more involved than just spawning items. You need to drop your weapon and check its Reference ID or REFID first, which always changes every time it’s dropped. Here’s how to add weapon mods and modifiers using Item IDs in Starfield:
- Drop the weapon
- Open the console by pressing the tilde (~) key
- Click on the weapon for its REFID
- Type in “REFID.amod (Item ID)” without quotes
- Example: AB00CD12.amod 00133669
- This will give Electromagnetic Beams to your weapon
- Press Enter
- To remove a mod, use “REFID.rmod (Item ID)” instead
- Example: AB00CD12.rmod 00133669
- This will remove the Electromagnetic Beams from your weapon
Item Name | Item Type | Item ID |
Amplifier | Cover | 0013366E |
Annihilator Rounds | Ammo | 0012C81B |
Armor Piercing Rounds | Ammo | 002BDD72 |
Binary Trigger | Receiver | 00128C60 |
Bullet Hose | Internal | 0000C521 |
Burst Fire | Receiver | 0012C5B3 |
Choke | Muzzle | 00132C55 |
Compensator | Muzzle | 12A79E |
Depleted Uranium Rounds | Ammo | 0012FFAC |
Double Barrel Muzzle | Muzzle | 0012B493 |
Drum Magazine | Magazine | 001230C6 |
Electromagnetic Beams | Ammo | 00133669 |
EM-Charged Shot | Ammo | 001285F1 |
Ergonomic Grip | Grip | 001230CE |
Explosive Rounds | Ammo | 002BDD74 |
Flechette Drum Magazine | Magazine | 0012B478 |
Flechette Large Magazine | Magazine | 0012B47A |
Flechette Rounds | Ammo | 001285F2 |
Flechette Tactical Magazine | Magazine | 0012B479 |
Focal Lens | Optics | 0012DF14 |
Focus Nozzle | Muzzle | 0012DF15 |
Folding Stock | Stock | 0004A7A8 |
Foregrip with Laser Sight | Laser | 0015F475 |
Foregrip with Recon Laser Sight | Laser | 0013136C |
Fully Automatic | Receiver | 00133A91 |
Glow Sights | Optics | 00132C44 |
Gut Buster Rounds | Ammo | 001230D8 |
Hair Trigger | Internal | 00245FAB |
High Powered | Internal | 00133A72 |
High Velocity | Internal | 00133A74 |
Hornet Nest | Ammo | 001230F4 |
Ignition Beams | Ammo | 003997AF |
Iron Sights | Optics | 00245FAE |
Large Battery | Battery | 0012DF0D |
Large Magazine | Magazine | 00132C4A |
Laser Sight | Laser | 001F0A2C |
Long Barrel | Barrel | 0014AFD8 |
Long Scope | Optics | 0012A783 |
Magnetic Rails | Barrel | 0012A79F |
Medium Magazine | Magazine | 0004A741 |
Medium Scope | Optics | 0012D04D |
Muzzle Brake | Muzzle | 0014629D |
Overclocked | Internal | 001230C2 |
Penetrator Rounds | Ammo | 001298AE |
Precision Tuning | Internal | 0012DF12 |
Recon Laser Sight | Optics | 001341F0 |
Recon Scope | Optics | 0012C812 |
Red Dot Sight | Optics | 00087533 |
Reflex Sight | Optics | 00132C43 |
Removed Cover | Cover | 0005B98F |
Semi-Automatic | Receiver | 001341F9 |
Shielded Tool Grip | Grip | 0012454F |
Shock Charge Band | Muzzle | 0012A787 |
Short Barrel | Barrel | 00129F42 |
Short Scope | Optics | 001341E9 |
Short Suppressor | Muzzle | 0008342F |
Slug Shots | Ammo | 001285F0 |
Small Battery | Battery | 0012DF0C |
Small Magazine | Magazine | 00133A79 |
Stabilizing Barrel | Barrel | 001462A1 |
Stabilizing Stock | Stock | 0012DF04 |
Standard Barrel | Barrel | 0010BCD9 |
Standard Battery | Battery | 0002EE2F |
Standard Explosive Rounds | Ammo | 000445A6 |
Standard Flechette Magazine | Magazine | 0009B736 |
Standard Magazine | Magazine | 00245FB3 |
Standard Whitehot Rounds | Ammo | 00044C42 |
Stealth Lasers | Muzzle | 0012A7C7 |
Stock | Stock | 000193E5 |
Suppressor | Muzzle | 00245FB7 |
Tactical Battery | Battery | 0012DF0B |
Tactical Folding Stock | Stock | 0012B475 |
Tactical Grip | Grip | 00133A80 |
Tactical Magazine | Stock | 0012A78A |
Tactical Stock | Stock | 0013381D |
Tech Barrel | Barrel | 000191F1 |
Tesla Pylons | Ammo | 001230F5 |
Whitehot Rounds | Ammo | 002BDD73 |
All Weapon Modifier IDs in Starfield
Here’s how you can use weapon mod and modifier IDs in Starfield:
- Drop the weapon
- Open the console by pressing the tilde (~) key
- Click on the weapon for its REFID
- Type in “REFID.amod (Item ID)” without quotes
- Example: AB00CD12.amod 000F428E
- This will give the Cornered Modifier to your weapon
- Press Enter
- To remove a modifier, use “REFID.rmod (Item ID)” instead
- Example: AB00CD12.rmod 000F428E
- This will remove the Cornered Modifier from your weapon
Item Name | Item ID | Item Description |
Anti-Personnel | 000FF442 | +10% damage against human enemies |
Bashing | 000FEA07 | Gun bash deals double damage |
Berserker | 000F437E | Does more damage with less armor |
Cornered | 000F428E | Increases damage with less health |
Demoralizing | 000FC884 | Small chance of making the enemy demoralized |
Disassembler | 001625EB | +20% damage against robot enemies |
Explosive | 000FA8D6 | Small chance of dealing explosive damage |
Extended Magazine | 000FFA3B | Doubles base magazine capacity |
Exterminator | 0015DD18 | +30% damage against alien enemies |
Frenzy | 000FC8A4 | Small chance of making an enemy frenzy |
Furious | 000EA117 | Each consecutive hit deals more damage |
Handloading | 000EA0BA | Volatile rounds can deal bigger damage but can fail |
Hitman | 00122F1C | +15% damage while aiming |
Instigating | 000F2013 | Double damage when full health |
Lacerate | 000FEA49 | Small chance of applying bleed |
Med Theft | 000FFA3C | Human enemies can drop extra Med Packs |
Poison | 00319AEC | Small chance of dealing poison and slowing enemy |
Rapid | 000FEA04 | +25% attack speed |
Shattering | 000F4557 | Break through even the strongest armor |
Skip Shot | 0031C0C4 | Every fourth shot fires two projectiles at once |
Space-Adept | 000F7321 | +30% damage while in space, -15% damage while on a planet |
Staggering | 000E8D64 | Small chance to stagger enemies |
Tesla | 0031C0C6 | Rounds can emit electricity and slow target |
Titanium Build | 000FFA3D | The weapon is much lighter |
Top 10 Best Starfield Mods You Can’t Play Without
Starfield is now available for PC and