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The astrological climate that we’re facing today is an exhausting one. The Sun’s still in Aquarius promoting innovation, inspiration, and creativity, but behind the scenes we have unbalanced connections between the Scorpio moon, Mercury, Uranus, and Mars Rx, and lunar connections with Pluto in Sagittarius. We’ll all feel a bit of tension, but we can connect with those around us to get through it.
Today, you’ll probably seem pretty down to Earth on the surface, but that doesn’t change the fact that you have some wild tension raging within, affecting your job and home life. However, it’s important to know that you don’t have to do everything by yourself. Today is all about asking for help and accepting support from your community. Later on this afternoon when Neptune makes an appearance, you should take some time to chill out and recover from your tense morning. This evening when the moon moves into Sagittarius, take some time to remember that you’re not alone. Your friends, your loved ones, and the universe are all on your side today.
It might be hard to go throughout your day not knowing what others are saying about you, but take some time to focus on the fact that good things are, in fact, being said about you. You don’t have to hear those things, but you should do your best to believe that it’s happening. You might be talked about here and there, but it won’t be anything negative. This afternoon don’t be surprised if you get all the reassurance you need to keep going from those that love and care about you. However, tonight when the moon moves into Sagittarius, set aside some time to make plans for the future.
Today, you’ll feel like your day just has too much depth to it. Others won’t see your internal struggle, as you’ll seem like you’re pretty in control of everything, as you usually are, but inside you’ll have doubts and they’ll prove to be quite a struggle. However, later on in the afternoon, those doubts will fade and you’ll be able to see what path to take clearly, but it would be best if you took on the day by yourself today. This evening once the moon enter Sagittarius, don’t be afraid to get in touch with those who love you and spend some time building on your relationships and bonds.
Try your best to avoid attempting to impress anyone today. The most important thing is to remember that you’re the only one whose opinion matters. You’ll gain recognition for the hard work you’ve done and achievements you’ve earned in the past, but be sure not to get a big head about it or throw yourself out there. Later on in the afternoon, you should take some time to get in touch with your spiritual roots by meditating or work on spiritual practices. However, tonight when the moon moves into Sagittarius, take some time to focus on your healing and progress by getting rid of your more negative behaviors and habits.
Today, you’ll probably feel pretty emotionally invested in your work, and that’s fully okay, but make sure you don’t let it get the best of you. However, others will be proud of you for the passion you put into your work, but don’t avoid any tension you feel from putting too much into your work. It’ll come back and pile up, creating an overwhelming atmosphere. When it happens, deal with it right then and there, preventing the stress from building. Later on in the afternoon, take some time to think about and appreciate how far you’ve come in the last few months or years. You’ve made big moves and you’ve definitely done something to be proud of. This evening, before you head to bed, spend some time with someone special.
Take some time to really appreciate the others in your life and the unique individuals in your community. Each of them are special in their own way, and while you might not fully understand them, you can support and build them up all the same and create important bonds with them. Today would be a perfect time to work on making an impression online to build up your follower count. However, later on in the afternoon, spend some time embracing your romantic side. Now’s a great time to get in contact with your partners and build on any foundations you’ve laid with them. This evening when the moon moves into Sagittarius, practice some self care.
Today’s the perfect day to sit around and enjoy your accomplishments. Take a moment to really consider and be proud of yourself for everything you’ve done and how far you’ve come since you started building foundations within your life. Though, it’s important to note that you might be in for a rough ride when it comes to socializing for work. Don’t be afraid to speak your mind and say exactly what you need to, especially if there have been issues you’ve been wanting to talk about. Later on in the afternoon, lay out a plan for where you want to be in the future and exactly how you’re going to get there. Tonight when the moon moves into Sagittarius, don’t be afraid to be passionate and intimate.
Don’t be surprised if you feel like you’re entirely on top of the world today. You’ll have energy to put yourself out there with confidence and optimism. If you have any interesting new ideas, share them with your loved ones and inner circle, but make sure your plans are thoroughly thought out before you give them to anyone else and you have the means to lay the foundation for them. Later on, you’ll probably feel a bit of doubt creep its way in, but it’s important to shove it aside and ground yourself before you continue. This evening when the moon moves into Sagittarius, make sure you spend some time enjoying solitude and taking part in some of your favorite activities by yourself.
Today, you’ll likely feel as though there’s so much more bubbling up under the surface than you have the energy to outwardly express, but don’t worry, those who know you best will recognize that something’s wrong and talk to you about it. When something’s up and you’re not feeling the best mentally, don’t be afraid to put your trust in your loved ones to help you through it. Though, try your hardest to get through it by yourself and be proud of yourself for it when you do. This afternoon and moving into this evening, spend some time listening to your intuitive thoughts and trusting them to back up the things you’ve learned today about yourself and others.
Today’s the day to fall in your position as a leader. Don’t be afraid to speak out and trust your intuition. What you speak and do, others will follow blindly, so don’t take advantage of the power you have today. Share your plans and ideas with others and encourage them to do the same. Later on this afternoon, pay attention to others around you, their conversation, and the signs that new doors are opening up for you and those around you. Tonight when the moon moves into Sagittarius, take some time to spend by yourself, thinking and contemplating your next steps.
You’ll probably feel a drive that you haven’t in a few days, a strong urge to get things done and feel accomplished, but if there’s too much going on or you bite off more than you can chew, hand off some of the work load to others. Delegation isn’t always a bad thing, even if you would much rather just do the work yourself and keep a happy, enjoyable work environment. Others will follow your lead and will react positively to your direction. Later on in the afternoon, take a break from the work and relax for a bit until the moon moves into Sagittarius tonight, when you should consider your public image from a social standpoint and consider crafting it into something you enjoy more.
You’ll be full of ideas and ambition today, and maybe even a bit of luck. Take some time to jump into that which you don’t yet know and create new connections and bonds that will last. Later on in the afternoon when Neptune shows up, don’t be afraid to let your dreams run wild and guide you on the path to your highest self and most genuine happiness. This evening, however, spend some quiet time by yourself, thinking over your day and considering what needs to change in order to achieve your dreams in the future.