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The astrological climate that we’re facing today is a pretty lucky one for a few Zodiac signs. The Sun’s still in Aquarius promoting innovation, inspiration, and creativity, but now the moon has moved into Capricorn, creating a successful environment for professional work, and Mercury has entered into Aquarius as well to give us that little push we need to get ahead.
Today, with the moon in Capricorn and aligning with Saturn, you’ll be able to get rid of your Monday blues and replace them with a sense of determination and motivation that you haven’t felt in weeks. Be careful not to push yourself too hard though, as your work life should stay at work and not mingle too freely with your home life. Later on this evening when Mercury moves into Aquarius, don’t be afraid to be a bit more independent than usual, asking questions, making your own moves and making sure you aren’t in a position to depend on anyone else for your own success. However, don’t be surprised if you come across some conflict later on.
Today’s the perfect day to focus on keeping your loved ones and friends together, keeping them united and getting along the way they should. With the moon and Saturn aligning, any generosity and kindness you show to others might be mirrored in the future, but once the day comes to an end, you should spend some time alone and relax. Though, when Mercury moves into Aquarius, you shouldn’t have any issues distancing yourself and giving yourself time to recuperate after the long day you’ve had, while still keeping hope for tomorrow. Before you head to bed, think about the wishes you made last week and make plans to make
If you’re planning on getting anything from anyone, you should prepare to give something first. With the moon in Capricorn and aligned with Saturn, expect to see a whole lot of transactions; giving and receiving. However, later on this evening, keep an eye out when you give up any of your precious time to spend with others. Today, any fake friends will be revealed. When Mercury moves into Aquarius later on tonight, you’ll have luck on your side, as well as a decent amount of good advice to give out. Spend some time focusing on your behavior before bed tonight, making plans and steps toward getting rid of any unhealthy habits you have.
As a Cancer, you have loads of love to give, and you don’t often have issues finding faith in others. Today, make sure you tell those around you how you feel about them and how much they truly mean to you. However, later on this evening, show yourself some of that love and treat yourself to something nice if you feel like you haven’t been doing enough for yourself lately. When Mercury moves into Aquarius tonight, don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself and speak about what you believe in. Though, don’t give in when others try to change your perspective, this evening. Stand your ground and have faith in yourself.
Today’s the day to get rid of all that unnecessary things in your life that you don’t need. Ditch the drama, the unneeded tasks that have been dragging you down, and anything else that isn’t serving you in a positive way. This evening after Mercury heads into Aquarius, you’ll probably feel a bit romantic. Tonight would be the perfect night to stay inside and spend some intimate moments with someone close to you, regardless of your relationship status with that person. Go with the flow and let good things come to you this evening.
Be mindful of who you spend your time with today, as surrounding yourself with those who love and support you the most will be beneficial. Take some time to build on important relationships, as well as those you can’t avoid even if you’d like to. Lay the groundwork for a healthy and happy relationship with those people. Later on this evening, take some time to sit down and really contemplate who you are from the inside out. Get in touch with your true self and restructure your life to fit best with that person you find deep within. Be prepared to make some big changes over the coming weeks.
Now is most definitely the time to introduce new habits into your daily routine. Just make sure those new habits are going to benefit you physically, mentally, and emotionally as the Capricorn moon aligns with Saturn. These habits don’t have to happen all at once, and they don’t have to be life-changing things; just make small changes that will benefit you in the future. Later on, spend some time getting comfortable with your more vulnerable side and opening up to your loved ones and those closest to you. Tonight, once the moon comes up and Mercury moves into Aquarius, expect to be in a great mood. Take some time to do one of your favorite activities before bed and really get in touch with your creative side.
You know all those bright ideas you’ve had over the past couple of weeks? Now’s the time to give them a bit of a backbone. Do some strategic planning to ensure that these ideas have a chance at taking off and going somewhere, outlining the next steps for them this morning. Later on this afternoon, take a bit of a break so you don’t get too overwhelmed by all the possibilities. This evening when Mercury arrives in Aquarius, take some time to get in touch with your friends and family. Call your sibling and have a chat with them to catch up or invite one of your best friends over for dinner. Before you head to bed, really listed to your intuition to find out what your next steps should be and if you’re on the right path currently. You might be surprised at how accurate it is today.
You should put a little extra thought into the choices you make today, and avoid making decisions that are irresponsible if you can. Today’s all about practicality for you, and making steps now to prepare for your future will benefit you more than you can know right now. You might feel just a tad egotistical today, so don’t be afraid to ask your friends and family for help reeling in your mind. Later on this evening, you should try to be productive when Mercury moves into Aquarius. Spend some time working on a project or planning out your schedule for the rest of the week. Before you head to bed, do something enjoyable if you felt you were just a little too responsible today.
Today’s going to be a successful day for you with the moon still in your sign and in alignment with Saturn. Don’t be afraid to talk about your plans and goals, but stay open to feedback from those your trust, as they can give you some insight that you might not already have. This evening, you might find yourself getting lost in the past and having emotions resurface that you haven’t felt in quite some time, so be sure to surround yourself with those who make you happy to get through it. Later on when the moon comes out, expect to find passion in ways you didn’t expect to, and allow it to be your inspiration to stay focused on your relationships.
Be mindful of your thoughts today, as the moon and Saturn align, creating the perfect environment for manifestation. Stay positive and hopeful, yet practical and reasonable as you move forward, thinking up new ways to get through the latest obstacle in your way. Later on in the afternoon when Chiron activates, take some time to really show yourself some love and care. Before you head to bed this evening, spend some time by yourself and work on processing the intense emotions you’ve felt for the past few days. Take a relaxing bath or crawl up in bed with your favorite book to wind down before you fall asleep.
This morning, you’ll have a voice you didn’t think you had in you. You’ll speak with authority and get a feel for your natural leadership skills. You’re in charge of your own life today, and with the moon aligning with Saturn, you’ll have everything you need to get rid of the roadblocks in your path today, but don’t be afraid to ask for help and give some guidance to others if you can’t do it alone. However, later on when Mercury moves into Aquarius, take a bit of time to spend by yourself, reflecting on your day and this newfound leadership.